Zoology - Master Dissertation
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Item To check the glioprotective effect of Withaferin A on C6 Glioma cell Culture challenged with Kainic Acid(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Dash, Bindu Balaya; Parkash, JyotiLast many years perception of glial cell function in CNS has been changed. In fact abnormalities in glial cells also contribute to various disorders. Glutamate induced excitotoxicity attributed to various CNS related diseases. Kainic acid is a potent agonist of kainate receptors, a subclass of glutamate receptors, is 30 fold more neurotoxic than glutamate. Natural herbal extracts are attracting researchers for their pharmacologic properties against diseases associated with CNS. Root and leaf extracts of Withania somnifera, used since many years to treat several diseases in traditional medicine system. Present study was designed to see the glioprotective potential of Withaferin A, a natural extract from Withania somnifera or Ashwagandha, against Kainic acid induced excitotoxicity in C6 glioma cell line. Pretreatment of 0.5 µM Withaferin A showed defensive potential against 100 µM and 200 µM concentration of Kainic acid. To check expression of GFAP (well known marker of astrocytes) and NCAM, Immunocytochemistry was performed. Withaferin A treatment helps in normalizing of GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) and NCAM (Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule) expression in kainic acid exposed cells. Our result suggested that Withaferin A have defensive potential against kainic acid induced excitotoxicity. As a potent glioprotective agent, Withaferin A could be used as therapeutic drug to treat glioblastomas and other neurological disorders.Item To Study the Anti-Proliferative Effect of Pirfenidone via MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Bharti, Pooja; Parkash, JyotiPirfenidone is a pyridine chemical compound used as a therapeutic drug used for the treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). The characteristic feature of the fibrosis is the deposition of extracellular matrix protein in the lungs and ultimate lead to the failure of the organ. Pirfenidone is an orally active small molecular comprising a modified phenyl pyridine that have been shown to inhibit the progression of fibrosis in animal model and in patient with IPF. The compound exhibits well?documented anti-fibrotic and anti? inflammatory activities but its molecular target has not been elucidated. Pirfenidone is a broad-spectrum anti-fibrotic drug with the ability to decreases the PDGF, TGF-?, TNF-? and COL (collagen). After treating A549 cell line with Pirfenidone with different concentrations and different time interval, cell viability was measured by the MTT assay. Pirfenidone cause the cytotoxicity in model A549 cell line and anti-proliferation through different Smad dependent and independent pathway. Pirfenidone treatment was given to check downstream signaling pathway i.e. MAP kinase activity dependent. Although previous studies have shown that Pirfenidone is associated with renal fibrosis in TGF??1 expression the mechanism remains poorly understood. Taken into account these, we hypothesized that pirfenidone may have an anti?fibrotic effect through antagonizing the MAPK signaling pathway.Item To Test The Role Of Withaferin A In Neuroprotection On Sh-Sy5Y Cell Line Challenged By Kainic Acid(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Pruseth, Aishwarya; Parkash, JyotiWithania somnifera (WS) has been used in traditional medicine for a variety of neural disorders. Recently, chronic neurodegenerative conditions have been shown to benefit from treatment with this crude extract. Neurotoxicity induced by Kainic acid causes stroke, head trauma and leads to various neurodegenerative diseases. It is a common pathway for neuronal injury and death. Withaferin A (WA) is the steroidal lactone and phytochemical of medicinal plant WS. These days research on the medicinal plant is the major theme so as to identify the novel, natural and safe phytotherapies has been flourished. WS is a popular ayurvedic plant with an array of medicinal properties including neuroprotection. It also appears to exert a great influence on the cardiopulmonary, endocrine, and central nervous systems. Recently several in-vitro and in-vivo preclinical studies validating the therapeutic value of newly identified phytochemicals have been launched. The use of medicinal plants and its chemical component can be exploited in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson, Alzheimer's, Epilepsy and so on. Ayurvedic products are the only promising way to treat these diseases with negligible side effects. In the current study the neuroprotective role WA has been studied on SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line challenged by kainic acid. Cell viability and expression of neuronal cell differentiation marker NCAM was investigated on v Kainic acid challenged SH-SY5Y cells with and without the presence of WA. When the cells are challenged via Kainic acid there is a decrease in cell viability due to the phenomenon of excitotoxicity and this was reversed by WA treatment. NCAM is an important cell surface plasticity marker that have role in repair and regeneration. Potential mechanisms underlying the observed neuroprotection were examined. Additionally, morphological changes were monitored following KA treatment. Upon excitotoxicity with Kainic acid NCAM expression increased but the effect is reverse upon pre-treatment with WA. Altogether, the present study suggests that WA is neuroprotective and provides neuroprotection against KA induced excitotoxicity could have therapeutic potential to target factors involved in neurodegenerative diseases.