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    (Central University of Punjab, 2019) Kaur, Amandeep; Singh, Kiran Kumari
    Wellbeing of slum dwellers needs efficient delivery of basic amenities and facilities. Over many decades several programmes and policies have been implemented to ensure decent quality of life to the slum dwellers but parts of many cities are still in the state of deprivation from basic amenities. This study analyses the status of available basic amenities and facilities in two cities of Punjab: Ludhiana and Bathinda. The study also highlighted the effectiveness of policies and programs in slums of both the cities. Field survey was conducted in different phases to collect data on eight basic amenities and facilities in slum areas. The study did not only brought out the status of availability of basic amenities but also analysed the level of satisfaction of the slum dwellers. The study also focused on the gender wise participation of slum dwellers in urban economic activities by examining the factors influencing their participation. The desirable data for the present study was collected from secondary and primary sources. The secondary data for the study was collected from publishes and unpublished resources such as Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Company, Municipal Corporations and Town and Country Planning departments of Ludhiana and Bathinda cities, research papers, articles, books, newspapers and other web sources. The primary data was collected through interview schedule and check list from selected notified and non-notified slums of Ludhiana and Bathinda cities. The collected data was analysed by using various statistical methods like descriptive statistics, multiple regression, simple probit and Student’s t test (two tailed). The study revealed that the overall condition of non-notified slums is more severe in iv terms of availability of basic facilities as compare to notified slums. Finding of the study for two cities suggest that slums of Bathinda city are in poor conditions of sewerage and solid waste management and slums of Ludhiana city lack government healthcare facilities, government schools, roads and public transport facilities. The finding calls for urgent attention to ensure the basic amenities in slums of both the cities. The study also advocates to shift the focus of plans and policies towards delivery of basic amenities and services keeping in view the quality of life of slum dwellers. The study brought up suitable recommendations for the upgradation of slums and efficient delivery of basic infrastructures and services in slums.
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    (Central University of Punjab, 2019) Kumar, Gaurav; Singh, Kiran Kumari
    Wetland ecosystem is regarded as one of most productive system of the earth surface due to its inclusive nature to supports a variety of flora and fauna. There are a number of functions and services provided by the wetland ecosystem which includes purification of water, protection from floods, groundwater replenishment, woods for fuel and commercial uses, fish resources, recreational and social services. Therefore, the study is an attempt to evaluate the socio-economic significance of wetland area and their relation with the livelihood activities of local people in Harike, Ropar and Nangal wetlands of Punjab. The economic value of the wetland products and services have been calculated from direct use value which employed different methods. The study also focused on the threat perceptions related to impact of human developmental activities inside the wetland boundaries. The people participation for the conservation and management of the wetland area has also been studied through their willingness to pay for such actions. The data desirable for the present study are collected from both secondary and primary sources. The secondary data for the study has been collected from published and unpublished resources such as from Department of Forest and Wildlife Preservation (Punjab), Department of Forest and Wildlife preservation (Firozpur), Department of Forest and Wildlife Preservation (Ropar), Harike Sanctuary Office, Punjab State for Science and Technology (PSCST), ENVIS, articles, research papers, newspapers, books and other internet resources. The Primary data has been collected through interview schedule of the iv people of selected villages/towns falling within one kilometre buffer zone around the Harike, Ropar and Nangal wetlands. The collected data are analysed by using statistical methods like descriptive statistics, regression and probit model. The study came up with suitable recommendations for conservation of wetland.
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    The first specimen of Deinotherium indicum (Mammalia, Proboscidea, Deinotheriidae) from the late Miocene of Kutch, India
    (Cambridge University Press, 2020) Singh, N.P; Jukar, A.M; Patnaik, R; Sharma, K.M; Singh, N.A; Singh, Y.P.
    Deinotheriidae Bonaparte, 1845 is a family of browsing proboscideans that were widespread in the Old World during the Neogene. From Miocene deposits in the Indian subcontinent, deinotheres are known largely from dental remains. Both large and small species have been described from the region. Previously, only small deinothere species have been identified from Kutch in western India. In the fossiliferous Tapar beds in Kutch, dental remains have been referred to the small species Deinotherium sindiense Lydekker, 1880, but the specimens are too fragmentary to be systematically diagnostic. Here, we describe a large p4 of a deinothere from the Tapar beds and demonstrate that it is morphologically most similar to Deinotherium indicum Falconer, 1845, a large species of deinothere, thereby confirming the identity of deinotheres at Tapar. Deinotherium indicum from Tapar is larger than other deinotheres identified from Kutch and is the first occurrence of the species in the region. This new specimen helps constrain the age of the Tapar beds to the Tortonian and increases the biogeographic range of this species - hitherto only known from two localities on the subcontinent. This specimen also highlights the morphological diversity of South Asian deinothere p4s and allows us to reassess dental apomorphies used to delimit Indian deinothere species. Lastly, we argue that by the late Miocene, small deinotheres in Kutch were replaced by the large Deinotherium indicum. Copyright � 2020, The Paleontological Society.
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    Mapping and Monitoring the Selected Wetlands of Punjab, India, Using Geospatial Techniques
    (Springer, 2020) Kumar, G; Singh, K.K.
    Wetland inventories especially on their spatial extent are a prerequisite for management and conservation of any wetland. The advancement in geospatial techniques has offered a wide range of methodological applications to prepare the inventories and to understand the dynamics of wetlands. The freely available Landsat imagery has been widely used in extracting spatial and temporal information about wetlands. The literature suggests that wetland has declined all over the globe over the past few decades. This study aims to prepare land use/land cover information of three wetlands of Punjab (Harike, Ropar, and Nangal) through direct on screen digitization and through digital processing using automatic digital indices�as well. Evaluation of the performance of two band indices, normalized difference water index (NDWI) and modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) is also taken up in the present study. Landsat data of two periods-1990/91 and of 2018 are used for the study to perform two band indices. The result indicates that the NDWI and MNDWI are less time consuming and serve the purpose of mapping and monitoring wetlands with higher accuracy. � 2020, Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
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    Late-Holocene climate response and glacial fluctuations revealed by the sediment record of the monsoon-dominated Chorabari Lake, Central Himalaya
    (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020) Shukla, T; Mehta, M; Dobhal, D.P; Bohra, A; Pratap, B; Kumar, A.
    We studied a periglacial lake situated in the monsoon-dominated Central Himalaya where an interplay of monsoonal precipitation and glacial fluctuations during the late Holocene is well preserved. A major catastrophe occurred on 16-17 June 2013, with heavy rains causing rupturing of the moraine-dammed Chorabari Lake located in the Mandakini basin, Central Himalaya, and exposed 8-m-thick section of the lacustrine strata. We reconstructed the late-Holocene climatic variability in the region using multi-parametric approach including magnetic, mineralogical and chemical (XRF) properties of sediments, paired with grain size and optically simulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The OSL chronology suggests that the lake was formed by a lateral moraine during the deglaciation phase of Chorabari Glacier between 4.2 and 3.9 ka and thereafter the lake deposited about 8-m-thick sediment sequence in the past 2.3 ka. The climatic reconstruction of the lake broadly represents the late-Holocene glacial chronology of the Central Himalaya coupled with many short-term climatic perturbations recorded at a peri-glacial lake setting. The major climatic phases inferred from the study suggests (1) a cold period between 260 BCE and 270 CE, (2) warmer conditions between 900 and 1260 CE for glacial recession and (3) glacial conditions between ~1370 and 1720 CE when the glacier gained volume probably during the 'Little Ice Age" (LIA). We suggest a high glacial sensitivity to climatic variability in the monsoon-dominated region of the Himalaya. The Author(s) 2020.
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    The hazardous 2017-2019 surge and river damming by Shispare Glacier, Karakoram
    (Nature Research, 2020) Bhambri, R; Watson, C.S; Hewitt, K; Haritashya, U.K; Kargel, J.S; Pratap, Shahi A; Chand, P; Kumar, A; Verma, A; Govil, H.
    In 2017-2019 a surge of Shispare Glacier, a former tributary of the once larger Hasanabad Glacier (Hunza region), dammed the proglacial river of Muchuhar Glacier, which formed an ice-dammed lake and generated a small Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). Surge movement produced the highest recorded Karakoram glacier surface flow rate using feature tracking (~18 ± 0.5 m d−1) and resulted in a glacier frontal advance of 1495 ± 47 m. The surge speed was less than reports of earlier Hasanabad advances during 1892/93 (9.3 km) and 1903 (9.7 km). Surges also occurred in 1973 and 2000-2001. Recent surges and lake evolution are examined using feature tracking in satellite images (1990-2019), DEM differencing (1973-2019), and thermal satellite data (2000-2019). The recent active phase of Shispare surge began in April 2018, showed two surface flow maxima in June 2018 and May 2019, and terminated following a GLOF on 22-23 June 2019. The surge likely had hydrological controls influenced in winter by compromised subglacial flow and low meltwater production. It terminated during summer probably because increased meltwater restored efficient channelized flow. We also identify considerable heterogeneity of movement, including spring/summer accelerations. 2020, The Author(s).
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    Assessment of surface water and groundwater interaction using hydrogeology, hydrochemical and isotopic constituents in the Imphal river basin, Northeast India
    (Elsevier, 2020) Kshetrimayum, K.S; Laishram, P.
    The surface water and groundwater interaction in the Imphal River Basin in Northeast India using hydrogeology, hydrochemical and isotopic constituents has examined to elucidate hydrochemical evolution, surface water and groundwater mixing and recharge condition. Groundwater is characterized by Ca2+Cl - HCO3 -facies while surface water exhibits Ca2+ Cl- type. Surface water prevailed the intermediate stage of chemical evolution while groundwater characterizes the late stage of chemical evolution. Analysis of flow net combined with hydrogeologic sections revealed significant relationship of surface water and groundwater in the basin. The upper and lower reaches are characterized by contour heads showing an upstream pointing curvature due to depression induced by groundwater discharge where contour lines cross a gaining stream. The middle reach is marked by contour curvature pointing downstream owing to mounding induced by groundwater recharge where it crosses a losing stream. Groundwater shows markedly depleted isotopic composition than surface water. Both surface water and groundwater fall below Global Meteoric Water Line and Local Meteoric Water Line indicating the source of water through infiltratio,n of modern precipitation. The slope of the evaporation line and the original composition of water are identified as 4.92 and 􀀀6.58‰ and 􀀀42.17‰, respectively. Isotopic d-excess values revealed isotopic composition of semi-arid climate. 2020 Elsevier B.V.
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    A geospatial investigation of interlinkage between basement fault architecture and coastal aquifer hydrogeochemistry
    (Elsevier B.V., 2020) Das P.P.; Mohapatra P.P.; Goswami S.; Mishra M.; Pattanaik J.K.
    The Mahanadi delta, deposited on a series of horst and graben basement structures, is considered an extension of the East Lambert Rift of Antarctica. Current study is based on the hydrogeochemical assessment of this deltaic aquifer system and geospatial analysis thereof, to appreciate the basement structure influence on groundwater chemistry. Major ion chemistry of subsurface waters portrays a distinct saline contamination across the terrain and varied regimes of water types, specifically with respect to southern and northern parts of this aquifer system. Findings of the study indicate a general near surface saline horizon and significant fragmentation of the hydrostatic units. This, in turn, implies noteworthy influence of formational water to salinity regimes and basin structural changes for the escape of these waters to surroundings. A plot of recent low intensity earthquakes displays proximity of epicenters to the faults as well as striking similarity to the trend of terrestrial faults indicating multiple reactivations of the faults. To further corroborate the above findings, spatial pattern analysis of individual hydrochemical variables is carried out which reveals specific clusters of sources (groundwater mixing) and sinks (groundwater dispersion) in proximity to basement fault dispositions. While the faults can be disregarded as conduits or barriers owing to their great depth, the overlying sedimentary mass, particularly, the horizons with significant clayey content have been distorted due to post rift subsidence and fault reactivations. A proximity analysis of ionic clusters points towards a greater influence of longitudinal faults to that of the transverse ones on groundwater mixing or dispersion.
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    Assessment of urban sprawl in Bathinda city, India
    (Elsevier B.V., 2019) Guite L.T.S.
    Interaction between space and time is well documented in the study of urban sprawl, where expansion of urban margins becomes the outcome of changing functionality of space within the given time frame. While urban sprawl becomes inevitable phenomena, the paper seeks to identify the role of population growth and sectors of working population that contributed to the sprawl in Bathinda city, Punjab. In this regards, Reilly's law of retail gravitation is analyzed for spatial expansion of built up areas. Using remote sensing and GIS (Geographical Information System) as a platform for creating land use land cover changes from Landsat images reveals the change matrix for the different land use classification. Thus, readdressing urban sprawl as an outcome of increasing retail sector is an interesting finding that perhaps would further enhances knowledge in urban research.
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    Microfossil Assemblage from Dhok Pathan Formation (Middle Siwaliks) exposed near Polian Prohita, Una District, Himachal Pradesh, India
    (The Society of Earth Scientists, 2015) Sharma, K. Milankumar; Singh, Shyam Sundar; P.V., Vipina
    The Fluvial molassic sediments of Middle Siwalik which is considered to be deposited within the time range from 10.1-5.1 Ma holds a long record of the provenance and palaeoenvironmental history of Siwalik foreland basin. A mudstone bed of Dhok Pathan Formation exposed near Polian Prohita, Una district, Himachal Pradesh has yielded a diverse fossil assemblage. The present assemblage include mollusks Parreysia sp., Lamillidens sp., Melanoides sp. and Gyraulus sp. The charophytes include Chara globularis globularis, Chara globularis aspera, Chara sp. indet, Lychnothamus breviovatus and Lamprothamnium papulosum. Ostracodes Stenocypris sp. and Candona sp. have also been reported here. Fish teeth of certain morphotypes belonging to the Channidae and Cyprinidae families were also recorded. The majority of the fossil assemblage suggested that a warm tropical to subtropical humid climatic condition was prevailing during the deposition of these sediments. As this fossil assemblage is found restricted to a particular mudstone bed it can be inferred that there existed a localized swampy to overbank pond environment in within the braided river system deposits of Dhok Pathan Formation.