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    Teachers Attitude towards Use of ICT in Technical and Non-Technical Institutes
    (MCSER Publishing, 2014) Farrukh, Sameena; Singh, Shireesh Pal
    In this study the group of teachers working in technical colleges and non-technical colleges both are selected to find out their attitudes towards use of ICT as their instructional resources in classrooms. As it is the fact that normally in technical colleges the teachers themselves have quite a good knowledge and are well aware with new technologies and therefore for these teachers the use of ICT as their instructional resource is not a big deal whereas the teachers of non-technical background may or may not be well aware of these new technological issues and therefore for these teachers it can be little difficult to adopt ICT as their instructional resources and they feel more convenient with the traditional mode of instructions in classrooms. Results revealed that there is a significant differences between the Mean attitude scores towards use of ICT of technical and nontechnical institute teachers
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    Effectiveness of Student Support Services Provided by Indira Gandhi National Open University
    (MCSER Publishing, 2014) Mirja, Saba; Singh, Shireesh Pal
    Student Support Service is one of the key areas of which the success of any Open University depends. However, in classical mode of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system, the most important components of evaluation are the print materials and the student support which contribute to the success or failure of a course. (Kumar & Fozdar 2009). To provide effective and efficient student support service, IGNOU has set up a number of study centers all over the country. Students are allotted one of these study centers, taking into consideration their place of residence.Studnets usually approach theses center for getting solved their problems related to course and transition. The Regional Service Division of IGNOU is therefore giving utmost importance to various kinds of support services provided at different learner centers in the state. At Regional Centre all the unsolved problems of the study centers are taken care of and the students are given utmost freedom to approach Regional Centre functionaries for solving their problems. Most of the Regional Centers have a single window enquiry system having internet facility. Besides student queries and student problems, a lot of academic input is also being given from time to time from Regional Centre .This paper is based for knowing the strengths and weaknesses of Student Support Service provided by IGNOU and to find out difference on the basis of Gender and Demographical structure.
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    Vocational education in higher secondary schools
    (Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2015) Singh, Shireesh Pal; Singh, S.P.; Grover, S.; Padmanabhan, J.
    The competent and trained manpower would be contributing significantly to the industrial development of the nation by establishing small industries. Rapid changes in technology, expansion of market, industrial policies of the Government, coming in of more multinationals due to liberalization have revolutionized the aspect of Vocational Education at present the object of vocational education can be achieved by adequate school management. When we talk about objectives of vocational education, we mean to prepare students for self-employment and develop them as skilled manpower. Vocationalisation of Secondary Education is important from the point of view of the economic development of the developing country like ours. Such an education will inculcate the habit of hard work and dignity of labor among the students. This programme will help to solve the problem of unemployment and prepare the way for self-employment. The Present paper is the outcomes of the study of vocational education in higher secondary schools of Bhopal division Bhopal Division comprises of Bhopal, Raisen, Vidhisha, Sehore and Rajgarh districts. Vocational Courses were introduced for the first time in 1988. According to the figures of 1996- 1997 Vocational Courses introduced in thirty-one schools of Bhopal division. For study ten schools where vocational courses are running, selected by investigators randomly. Data collected with the help of various tools like questionnaire and interview schedules. Results of the study reveal that there is a need to strengthen vocational education in the region. ? 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved.
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    Integrated approach to ESD towards enhancing Knowledge on sustainable development
    (Scientific Publishing House, 2016) Padmanabhan, Jubilee; Singh, Shireesh Pal
    Sustainable Development (SD) is one the most discussed issue now days, which is gaining priority day by day due to the exploitation of nature in a drastic way. It is from this apprehension that ‘Education for sustainable development’ (ESD) emerged with an immediate urge to preserve and conserve our nature and natural resources. The concept of ESD entangles the different countries and states across the world as a whole for a sustainable society, which merges the environment, economic and social dimensions. The paper discusses about the effect of integrated approach to education for sustainable development on the students’ knowledge on sustainable development. The investigator developed a curriculum by integrating SD concepts into science and social science of VII standard of NCERT syllabus and various learning activities for their transaction by incorporating several pedagogical strategies that lead to constructing knowledge, developing social perspectives and analytical abilities.The study was of quasi experimental in nature with two group pre-test- post-test design, whereby the integrated curriculum was taught to the experimental group for about five months and the control group was exposed to the conventional curriculum and methodology. It was found that there was a significant difference on the knowledge on sustainable development between experimental and control group. The experimental group had a higher mean knowledge score than the control group.On the basis of the findings from the study, it is concluded that there is a sheer need to highlight the importance of integration of SD components in pedagogy at all levels.