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    Cultural Intelligence as a Congruent to Cross- cultural Adjustment, Decision Making Styles and Academic Achievement: A Triangulation Study of Foreign Students in Punjab
    (Central University of Punjab, 2020) Kaur, Kiranjit; Pany, Sesadeba
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship of cultural intelligence with different variables i.e. cross-cultural adjustment, decision making styles and academic achievement of foreign students studying in Punjab. The data were collected from six universities of Punjab with two major considerations i.e. the universities where foreign students were available and the universities who gave their consent for data collection. Convergent parallel design of mixed method research was applied and both qualitative as well as qualitative data were collected simultaneously from foreign students, their Indian peers and teachers. The quantitative data were collected from 350 foreign students with reference to their proportional representation in the selected universities. To obtain the comprehensive information, case studies of 22 foreign students were also conducted. The results of the study revealed that foreign students studying in Punjab have average level of cultural intelligence, cross-cultural adjustment and academic achievement. It was also found that there exists no significant difference in the cultural intelligence, cross cultural adjustment, academic achievement and decision-making styles of foreign students studying in Punjab with respect to gender. Both the quantitative as well as qualitative findings of the study revealed that cultural intelligence of foreign students studying in Punjab is significantly related with their cross-cultural adjustment, academic achievement and decision-making styles.
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    Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Elementary Schools of Punjab: An Evaluative Study
    (Central University of Punjab, 2019) Singh, Narinder; Pany, Sesadeba
    The purpose of the research was to study the awareness, practice and problems related to CCE with respect to the rural and urban upper primary school teachers and administrators. It also aimed to investigate the practice and problems related to CCE as faced by the rural and urban upper primary school students. In addition to it, the training needs of the teachers were also explored and attempt was made to obtain information about the status of upper primary schools of Punjab in order to evaluate the status of CCE. Considering the quantitative results on awareness component, it was revealed that there are more number of rural teachers (83%) and administrators (74%) who are aware about CCE in comparison to their urban counterparts. These results are also supported by the qualitative results of the study. In the context of practice of CCE in upper primary schools of Punjab, it was found that majority of the upper primary school teachers (74%) and administrators (85%) are practicing CCE in an effective manner by regularly assessing the co-scholastic aspects and maintaining records of the students etc. Both the rural school teachers (83%) and administrators (88%) are practicing CCE in a better way in comparison to their urban counterparts which are further supported by the qualitative results. Majority of the rural (68%) and urban (66%) upper primary school students have reported that CCE is implemented effectively in their schools in terms of regularity in evaluation, framing variety of questions for evaluation, organization of co-curricular activities etc. More number of rural students (68%) have reported the better practice of CCE in their schools as compared to their urban counterparts (66%).The findings also revealed that the upper primary school teachers face problems related to CCE like hindrance in academic work of students due to a lot of co-scholastic activities, difficulty in recording the behavior of students on daily basis etc. It was also found that there are more number of urban school teachers (85%) who are facing problems as compared to the rural ones (79%) while implementing CCE in their schools. The administrators are facing problems like teachers’ complaints of increasing workload, incompetency of teachers in handling a lot of work under CCE, lack of parents’ support etc. There was minor difference in the quantitative and qualitative results. Through qualitative data, it was revealed that the urban and rural administrators face problems related to CCE to an equal extent. The upper primary school students also face problems related to CCE like overburden and boredom due to frequent testing, excessive assignments and project work, inadequate facilities for co-scholastic activities etc. Considering the locale wise comparison of the problems related to CCE faced by upper primary school students, it has been revealed that more number of urban school students (56%) face problems related to CCE in comparison to their rural counterparts (54%). The urban and rural upper primary school teachers of Punjab require training for understanding different techniques of evaluating co-scholastic aspects under CCE and for conducting and evaluating co-scholastic activities. From the responses of teachers to the questionnaire, it was revealed that urban school teachers feel the need of training for giving feedback to parents and rural school teachers need training for organizing subject specific activities and framing variety of questions for evaluation purpose. It was also found that there are more rural school teachers (45%) who need training on different aspects of CCE in comparison to the urban school teachers (35%). Further it was reported that there are some loopholes like inadequate material resources, less organization of activities like NSS/NCC, swimming etc., use of only tests and observation technique for evaluating the students and less organization of parent-teacher meetings. As a whole it can be said that urban schools are in more advantageous position in comparison to its rural counterparts in terms of material resources, evaluation, record maintenance and activities organized in the school.
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    A study of relationship of Family environment with Mental Health of Adolescents of Sirsa district
    (International Journal of Applied Research, 2015) Kaur, Malkeet; Dhillon, Shamshir Singh; Kaur , Ranjit
    Adolescence is considered as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescent period is considered very important aspect in human life because many developmental changes take place in this period such as physical growth, new peer emotions independent of parent, intellectual skill and so on. The present study was undertaken to examine the relationship between family environments with mental health of adolescents of Sirsa district. The family environment of the adolescents was assessed by using family environment scale by Dr. Harpreet Bhatia and Dr. N.K.Chadha (1993) and mental health of the adolescents was assessed by Mental Health Check list by Dr. Parmod Kumar (1992). 60 Adolescents including boys and girls were chosen from one school in urban area and another from rural area through random sampling technique. The tabulated data was analyzed and interpreted by using statistical technique, mean standard deviation, correlation and t-ratio. The present study will suggest suitable measures to strengthen the relationship of family environment with mental health of adolescents.
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    Creative Thinking Ability of Primary School Boys and Girls: A Comparative Study
    (SRJIS, 2015) Pany, Sesadeba
    The present study focuses on the creative thinking ability of the primary school students with reference to their gender and type of school. In this context data were collected from 100 government ((50 boys & 50 girls) and 100 private primary (50 boys & 50 girls) school students. The study was conducted with the objectives like to compare the creative thinking ability of primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school students, to compare the creative thinking ability of government primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of private primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school boys, and to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school girls. The findings of the study are the primary school boys and girls, students of government and private primary schools, government primary school boys and girls, government and private primary school boys differ significantly on their creative thinking ability whereas the private primary school boys and girls, and the government and private primary school girls do not differ significantly on their creative thinking ability
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    Include the children who are at risk
    (Dr. Ganesh Dass DAV College of Education for Women, 2018) Kumar, Rajesh; Singh, Angrej
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    Emotional Intelligence of Socially Disadvantaged Students of J7 K vis-A- vis their Academic Achievement
    (Social reserach Foundation, 2018) Dhillon , Shamshir Singh; Sheikh, Waseem Hassan
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    Teaching efectiveness of Secondary school Teachers in Relation to Demographic factors
    (Social reserach Foundation, 2018) Kaur, Ranjit; Sharma, Kavita; Dhillon, Shamshir Singh
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    Genertal well- being of senior secondary school students with respect to demographic variables
    (Gupta Publications, 2018) Kaur, Ranjit; Kumari, Lokesh; Dhillon, Shamshir Singh
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    Social responsibility, tourism and sustainable development
    (New Century Publications, 2018) Kaur, A; Padmanabhan, Jubilee
    India is a developing country and advancements are taking place rapidly in every area such as education, health, science & technology, agriculture, development etc. Tourism is one of the fields that is flourishing swiftly and contributing for the social and economic growth of the nation. As it is directly linked with the society and environment, social responsibility and sustainable development becomes more imperative issues to be concerned. There is a strong need to be aware of the effects of development in tourism on the population and environment. In recent years, there has been much focus on development of tourism, while taking into consideration such activities and standards that guarantee the conservation of ecological balance and avoid the overuse of resources. Codes of good practice in tourism must be respected and implemented by the persons who are involved in this field. Along with this, each and every person is indirectly related with or can play a significant role in promoting tourism in a more socially responsible and sustainable manner. This paper aims to highlight the perspectives of social responsibility and its principles in tourism, how to have tourism that supports sustainable development and various practices linking tourism with sustainable development.