Environmental Science And Technology - Mphil Thesis
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Item Adsorption studies for the removal of hexavalent chromium using fly ash of waste to energy power plant(Central University of Punjab, 2013) Vaid, Upma; Mittal, SunilChromium is the most common pollutant discharged in industrial effluent and reported to be present beyond permissible limits causing various health problems like carcinogenicity. Therefore, it must be removed from industrial effluent before its discharge. Several physico-chemical methods have been used for the removal of Cr (VI) from industrial effluents. Adsorption using activated carbon is quite efficient for the removal of Cr (VI) from industrial effluents. However, it is a costly process and the regeneration of activated carbon is difficult. Hence, in the present work, efforts have been made to explore the use of fly ash collected from the ‘Waste to Energy Power Plant’ as a low cost adsorbent. In order to maximize the Cr (VI) removal from simulated aqueous solutions, effects of various parameters (adsorbent dose, contact time, pH and initial metal ion concentration) on Cr (VI) adsorption were investigated by batch adsorption experiments. By optimizing the conditions for Cr (VI) adsorption using the fly ash, removal of hexavalent chromium from the aqueous solution (10 μg Cr/ml) was increased from 4% to approx. 99%. This shows that fly ash of agricultural waste burning can be used as an adsorbent for the removal of Cr (VI) at low concentration.Item Effect of arsenic on the growth and physiology of triticum aestivum L. seedings(Central University of Punjab, 2012) Nag, Shilpa; Mittal, SunilThe effects of Arsenic (As) were investigated on four varieties of T. aestivum viz. PBW 343, PBW 550, PBW 621 and HD 2967 to elucidate the toxicity of As on morphological, physiological, biochemical and antioxidant processes of plant in early stage. The results showed that seed germination, root length, shoot length and biomass decreased gradually with increase in concentrations of As (125-750'M) and this decrease was biologically significant. The photosynthetic and respiratory activity of the test plants was also investigated. The decrease in chlorophyll and carotenoids content with increase in As content indicates negative effect of As on the photosynthetic pigments. However, the total cellular respiration increased with increase in As concentration and this probably may be due to the enhancement in respiratory enzymes which leads to high production of energy by the respective cells. The contents of water soluble carbohydrates and proteins increased with increasing As concentrations while their hydrolyzing enzymes i.e. ? amylase and protease were decreasing with increase in As concentration. The activity of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase followed the increasing trend indicating the induction of oxidative stress under high concentration of As. Further, among the various varieties HD 2967 was the most tolerant variety and PBW 550 was most affected varietyItem Exploration of antioxidant and anticancer potential of essential oil of salvia plebeia RBR(Central University of Punjab, 2012) Gautam, Nandani; Mittal, SunilCancer is one of the major problems that accounts for millions of death worldwide per year. Breast cancer is the most commonly encountered cancer in the females. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the standard methods used in the treatment of cancer but these have various side effects also. Other complementary treatments based on plants and its products are used to lessen the side effects. Some essential oils are the potent source of the novel molecules and have been reported to have anticancer effect. In the present study, essential oil from Salvia plebeia has been screened for cytotoxic activity in vitro using MTT assay and has been observed to show inhibitory effect on the cancer cells with the increase in concentration against breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDAMB-231. The essential oil was observed to show IC50 at concentration 30?g/ml for MCF-7 cells and in MDAMB-231, IC50 was calculated to be 65?g/ml for 24 hours treatment. Essential oil was found to be effective against highly metatstatic MDAMB-231cells Exposure time effect was studied to know whether it has sustained effect or not and it was observed that essential oil had sustained effect at higher concentrations and longer exposure time was required to show sustained effect. Single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay) was used to find out its mode of action and it was observed to induce DNA damage in the cancer cells that might have resulted in cell death at various concentrations. Essential oil was observed to have antioxidant activity, which was studied using DPPH and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay. Various compounds like cayophyllene, alpha-humulene and cayophllene oxide were determined by GC-MS analysis. Cayophyllene was the major compound (46%). Some of the constituents might be responsible for anticancer activity of the oil. It has been concluded from the study that novel essential oil is very effective against breast cancer cells. This oil can be screened further against other cell lines and can be used as nutritional supplement.Item Inhibitory effect of essential oil of ocimum sanctum l. against pesticide induced genotoxicity(Central University of Punjab, 2012) Kaur, Gurpreet; Mittal, SunilThe increase in pesticide contamination in the environment is of great concern due to its strong association with genetic material. The plants are considered as natural drugs to decline such toxic effects. In present study, the genotoxicity of Monocrotophos has been evaluated in lung cancer cell line i.e. A549 and H1299. The further step is to evaluate the prevention Monocrotophos induced genotoxic effect by pretreatment and post-treatment of O. sanctum essential oil. The results of present study suggest that eugenol (46%) and caryophyllene (28%) are the major components of essential oil of O. sanctum apart from other minor components. The essential oil cause increase in cell proliferation rate at lower concentration (20 ?g/ml for 6hrs.) in A549 cells while decrease in cell proliferation rate with increase in essential oil treatment after 20 ?g/ml concentration. Also, the cell viability has not been affected at 10 ?g/ml concentration in both the cell lines. On the other hand, Monocrotophos also cause increase cell proliferation rate at lower concentration (6.25 ?M - 200 ?M) for 6 hrs. in A549 cells and significant decrease in cell proliferation rate at higher concentration (1 mM -50 mM) in both the cell line. The results suggest that the H1299 cells, lacking p53 expression, are more sensitive to essential oil and Monocrotophos concentrations. The genotoxic study revealed that the Monocrotophos caused increase in comet length, % DNA in tail, tail length, tail intensity and decrease in Head intensity but pre-treat and post-treatment show protective action with respect to various Monocrotophos concentrations. It has been observed that post-treatment is better in comparison to pretreatment of Ocimum sanctum essential oil in all studied parameters. It can be concluded that the essential oils help the cells to compensate the oxidative stress generated inside the cell and hence can protect them from pesticide induced genotoxic effect.Item Phytotoxic potential of essential oil from leaves of eucalyptus tereticornis against rice (orza sativa) and its weeds, echinochloa grus-galli and cyperus rotundus(Central University of Punjab, 2016) Vishwakarma, Gajendra Singh; Mittal, SunilThe present study was undertaken to explore the phytotoxic potential of essential oil from Eucalyptus tereticornis against two major weeds of rice viz. Echinochloa crus-galli and Cyperus rotundus. The effect of essential oil was studied on growth (percent germination, root length and shoot length development) physiological parameters (chlorophyll content and percent respiration) and biochemical changes in macromolecule content (protein and carbohydrate) under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Studies revealed that Eucalyptus tereticornis essential oil (in different concentrations ranging from 25 to 250 µg/ml) adversely affected the growth and physiology of all the test plants. However the effect was more predominant in weeds compare to the rice seedlings. When the seeds of test plants were exposed to 100 and 250 µg/ml oil concentration, seed germination and seedling development of test weeds were highly affected as compare to the rice. C. rotundus was found to be the most sensitive weed among test plants. In chlorophyll content, the percent reduction at 250 µg/ml of essential oil was 60% 80% and 99% in O. sativa, E. crus-galli and C. rotundus, respectively. Similarly, reduction in respiratory activity on exposure to 250 µg/ml of essential oil was 20% 40% and 99% in O. sativa, E. crus-galli and C. rotundus, respectively. The effect of essential oil on macromolecules, i.e. carbohydrates and proteins also followed the similar trend. The percent reduction in protein content was approximately 40%, 60% and 80% and percent reduction in carbohydrate content was 25% 60% and 90% in O. sativa, E. crus-galli and C. rotundus, respectively on exposure to 100 µg/ml of essential oil. The present study concludes that essential oil of E. tereticornis shows the toxicity selectively towards the E. crus-galli and C. rotundus compare to O.sativa.Item Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution using cone biomass of picea smithana as adsorbent(Central University of Punjab, 2013) Najar, Gh Nabi; Mittal, SunilChromium has wide range of uses in various metal and chemical industries. Hence, it is discharged in environment in large quantities with effluent from these industries. Cr(VI) compounds have been recognized as toxic and may cause skin irritation to lung cancer, liver, kidney and gastric damage. Various physical and chemical processes such as ion exchange, chemical precipitation, membrane process and electrolytic extraction are used for the removal of chromium (VI) from wastewaters. However, high cost, large input of chemicals and incomplete removal of metal ions are some major disadvantages with these methods. Therefore, adsorption seems to be a better process for the removal of metal ions including Cr(VI) from contaminated wastewaters because of the expediency, ease of operation and design simplicity. In the present work the batch adsorption study has been carried out on cone biomass of Picea smithiana (CBP) as low cost adsorbent for the removal of Cr(VI) from the aqueous solution in comparison to the most widely used adsorbent activated charcoal (AC). The cones of P. smithiana are the waste materials and are often used for burning. Effects of various parameters (adsorbent dose, contact time, pH and initial metal ion concentration) on Cr(VI) adsorption were studied by batch adsorption experiments in order to maximize the Cr(VI) removal from simulated aqueous solutions. Maximum Cr(VI) removal achieved from the aqueous solution (500 ?g Cr/mL) at pH 1, contact time 2 hours, adsorbent dose 1 g/L, and 25 + 2oC temperature using CBP and AC was 234.9 mg/g and 268.7 mg/g respectively. The present work indicates nearly 88% efficiency of CBP in comparison to the AC. This shows that CBP can be used as an efficient adsorbent for the removal of Cr (VI). The batch adsorption data of both CBP and AC was well fitted in Langmuir Isotherm model.Item To study the effect of BT (Bacillus thruingiensis) cotton cultivation on soil health(Central University of Punjab, 2012) Kumari, Manohari; Mittal, SunilThe impact of transgenic Bacillus thruingiensis (Bt) cotton cultivation on soil enzymes and physico-chemical parameters of soil were investigated. Soil samples were collected from surface (0-20 cm depth) of agricultural fields near Bathinda, District. Where Bt cotton (RHC134) and non Bt cotton variety had been continuously cultivated for last two years. Soil samples were collected after harvesting of cotton crop. A control sample was collected from the adjoining waste land where no crop was grown from last many years. To observe effect of Bt cotton on soil biochemical properties, activities of soil enzymes such as amylase, cellulase, urease, dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase were assayed. Statistically significant enhancement in activities of the above enzyme was observed in Bt cotton soil samples as compared to non Bt cotton soil samples. No difference was observed in cellulase activity between Bt and non Bt cotton soil samples. Further, to study the effect of Bt cotton on physico-chemical properties, pH, conductivity, texture, total organic carbon (%) and organic matter (%), available nitrogen and available phosphorous content were estimated. In conclusion, significant changes were observed in Bt cotton grown soil samples.