Department Of Languages And Comparative Literature
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Item The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in L2 learning amongst engineering college students: An investigation(Boom Lemma Publishers, 2020) Saranraj, L; Zafar, ShahilaThe main objective of this study is to investigate the L2 learners intrinsic and extrinsic motivation amongst engineering college students in Dharmapuri district in Tamil Nadu. Through simple random sampling method, 150 respondents were randomly selected from various engineering colleges in the study area. The adopted and modified AMTB (Attitude / Motivation Test Battery) questionnaire has been used in this study. Results showed that the male respondents have strong motivation towards intrinsic (integrative) and extrinsic (instrumental) than female. - 2020, Boom Lemma Publishers. All rights reserved.Item A Feminist Approach to the Study of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution in Allison Hobbs’s Stealing Candy(2018) Garg, Geetika; Zafar, ShahilaThe present study focuses on the implementation of feminist theory to the issueof sextrafficking and prostitution throughan analysis of Allison Hobbs’snovelStealing Candy. Sex trafficking and prostitution are not synonyms,but both are interrelated. Sex trafficking and prostitution are presentedinthe novel throughthree teenage girlsfrom differentbackgroundsare abducted and are emotionally manipulated andbrainwashedinto accepting sexual enslavementas their hopeless plight in life.Various feminists discussed and are still discussing issues of sex trafficking and prostitution in their works and try to constructing some solutions to this crime.But some feminists are in favor of prostitution as a sex work. So,this papershows the journeyof teenage girls from normal life to prostituted lifeand how feminism reactsto sex trafficking.Item Language and Power: A Foucauldian Reading of Lois Lowry’s The Giver(Barloni Books, 2018) Lone, Sartaj Ahmad; Zafar, ShahilaLois Lowry’s The Giver (1992) delineates a nightmarish utilitarian state where human beings are produced through artificial insemination for the optimal service of the state. The current paper explores how reality is constructed by power through operationalization of discourse. The Giver depicts a totalitarian state that not only contrives a systematic way of controlling the minds of its subjects but also their milieu. The regime employs genetic engineering and linguistic manipulation to keep its citizens controlled, collectivized and contented in an unusual way. The government controls the weather and topography to introduce the Concept of Sameness in the state. The totalitarian regime either erases certain words from its social fabric or transmutes them into certain bizarre concepts that are thought to be diseases which need medication. In addition, the paper also asserts that in the novel language acts as a double-edged sword that acts as oppressive as well as liberative weapon depending upon its usage.Item Influence of motivational factors and gender differences on learning english as a second language: A case of engineering students from rural background(Indian Society for Education and Environment, 2016) Saranraj, L.; Khan, Z.A.; Zafar, ShahilaObjectives: This study investigates the role of motivational factors in second language learning and gender differences between integrative and instrumental orientation among engineering students. Methods/Statistical Analysis: An adopted AMTB (Attitude and Motivation Test Battery) was used to collect data from undergraduate engineering students in the study area. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation coefficient. Findings: The results revealed strong positive correlation observed between desire to learn English and attitude towards learning English. A moderate correlation was found between attitude towards learning English and motivational intensity. Similarly,strong positive correlation was found between integrative and instrumental orientation among male students when compared to female. Applications/Improvements: The teacher must boost their learners' interest and create awareness about the importance of studying English both for intrinsic and instrumental reasons. Similarly, language instructors could change their teaching method according to the learners' interest.Item Influence of Motivational Factor and Gender Differences on Learning English as a Second Language: A case of Engineering Students from Rural Background(Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016) Saranraj, L.; Khan, Zaved Ahmed; Zafar, ShahilaItem Extraversion- Introversion Tendencies and their Relationship with ESL Proficiency: A study of Chinese Students in Vellore, India(Pertanika, 2017) Zafar, Shahila; Khan, Z.A.; K, MeenakshiThis study investigates the relationship between the personality traits of extraversion-introversion and English as a Second Language (ESL) proficiency among 145 undergraduate Chinese students at VIT University, Vellore, India. It is one of the few studies in the subject area that is conducted in Asia and focuses on Chinese students studying in India. The data were collected using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Student Information Questionnaire (SIQ) and scores from the English Bridge Course (EBC) for Chinese students. After analysing the data using correlation coefficient and ETA values, it was found that extraversion-introversion had a significant relationship with different language learning skills. Students who scored high on extraversion were likely to score better in speaking skills and reading skills, whereas introverts tended to perform better in listening skills. Writing skills did not correlate strongly with either of the personality traits. While the results refute the claim that ESL academic superiority rests solely with extraverts, as proven by the higher listening scores of introverts than their extraverted counterparts, they also refute the conclusions drawn by psychologists and support the applied linguists' argument that extraversion is a positive trait for language learning. The paper concludes by suggesting that ESL instructors modify their teaching strategies, keeping in mind the various strengths of extraverted and introverted learners. ? 2017 Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.