Department Of Economic Studies
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Item Growth and Performance of Agriculture Sector in India(Publishing India, 2015) Singla, Naresh; Kaur,MamandeepThe growth of agriculture and allied sectors is critical for the Indian economy as about 49 percent of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. During the last decade and so, the agriculture sector has undergone profound changes resulting in sharp deceleration in its growth. The study has attempted to analyze growth and performance of the agriculture sector in India since 1980-81 and tries to comprehend some of the factors responsible for the deceleration in growth. The study has shown that agriculture sector has been able to show tremendous improvement in expansion of area and production of food grain and non-food grain crops. However, there are so many underlying factors responsible for slowdown of the agricultural growth. Some of the factors identified include: Increase in area under non-agriculture uses, excessive dependence on rain fed farming, increase in number of agricultural labourers, reducing size of the operation holdings, over use of agri-inputs, inequity in the distribution of agriculture credit along with sharp deceleration in public gross capital formation in agriculture etc. The study pointed in order to achieve higher growth rate, there is a need to enhance the gross capital formation in agriculture sector particularly on irrigation so that more area can be brought under assured irrigation. Bringing equity in distribution of agricultural credit coupled with judicious and need-based agricultural inputs are some of the other recommendations drawn based upon the study.Item Fresh Food Supermarket Retailing and Supply Chains in India: Impact on Small Primary Vegetable Producers and Traditional Fruit and Vegetable Retailers(Oxford University Press, 2018) Singh, Sukhpal; Singla, NareshItem Global Emergence of Agri-Tourism Sector: implications for India(New Century Publisher, 2018) Kaur, M.; Singla, NareshKaur, Manpreet and Singla, Naresh (2018) Global Emergence of Agri-tourism: Implications for India. Tourism in India : Potential, Problems and Prospects. Chapter- 6. 9788177084696Item Issues and Potentials of Irrigation Water for the Sustainability of Punjab Agriculture(Allied Publisher, 2018) Kaur, P.; Singla, NareshItem Emerging Linkages Between Domestic Firms and Producers in Contract Farming of Vegetables in Punjab(Indian Society for Agricultural Marketing, 2018) Kaur, P.; Singla, NareshItem Can Contarct Farming Double Farmer's Income?(EPW, 2018) Kaur, P.; Singla, NareshFollowing its mandate to double farmers’ income by 2022, the central government has enacted a separate model contract farming act in 2018 based on the perception that contract farming is one of the several pathways for doubling farm income. However, findings from primary surveys in Moga, Tarn Taran and Amritsar districts in Punjab, reveal that despite bringing in new crops, technologies and markets for farmers, contract farming excludes the smallholder farmers. Unless such arrangements can protect the interests of the smallholders who constitute almost four-fifth of India’s farming population, doubling farm income will remain elusive.Item Farmer’s participation in Formal Milk markets in Punjab: How inclusive and How effective(Indian Society for Agricultural Marketing, 2018) Kaur, M.; Singla, NareshItem Growth and structural transformations in dairy sector of India(Indian Dairy Association, 2018) Kaur, M.; Singla, NareshThe ongoing agrarian crises and rise in demand fordairy products coupled with government’s emphasis on dairysector since operation flood has led to shift in dynamics of crop-livestock production systems in India. In this context, the presentstudy examines growth and underlying structural transformationsin dairy sector of India since 1991. The results of the study revealthat milk production has continuously risen from 53.9 milliontonnes during 1990-91 to 163.7 million tonnes during 2016-17along with increase in per capita availability of milk from 176 g/day to 352 g/day during the same period. The study also showsthat different states of India has responded differently to thestructural changes such as rapid growth in contribution of milkby states like Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan in nationalmilk production, while traditionally green revolutionary statessuch as Punjab and Haryana along with Karnataka, Maharashtra,Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal have registereda decline in milk contribution. At national level, the contributionof crossbred cows has continuously increased, whereas the shareof indigenous/local cows and buffaloes has gone down. Thestudy also reveals that around 57 per cent of growth of milkproduction is contributed by increase in livestock population,while another 31 per cent growth is due to rise in milk yield of themilch animals. Yield effect is found to be stronger in local cattleand goats, whereas population effect is stronger in case ofcrossbred cattle and buffaloes. The structural shift is alsowitnessed in milk marketing pattern with cooperative sectorexpanding its procurement and processing capacity.Item Fresh food supermarkets in the Indian Punjab: Organisation and impacts(University of California Los Angeles CMRS, 2014) Singla, Naresh; Singh, Sukhpal; Dhindsa, Paramjit KaurLinking primary producers with global and national markets through modern corporate food retail supermarkets and other linkages is seen as one of the innovative ways to improve the livelihoods of small producers in developing countries. But, value chains driven by food supermarkets everywhere are, generally, found to exclude small farmers for various reasons. In this context, this paper examines the inclusiveness and effectiveness of fresh food supermarkets in linking farmers with end markets with the help of a case study of two major supermarkets in Punjab viz. Easy Day and Reliance Fresh based on a primary survey of growers of two major crops each. Using the evidence and inference from this study, a number of policy suggestions are proposed for better leveraging of food supermarket linkage for achieving smallholder inclusive crop diversification in Punjab. ? 2016 The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.Item Role of land reforms in eradicating land inequalities in rural india(Society of Economics and Development, 2016) Singla, Naresh; Kaur, Pavneet; Ahmed, Mumtaz