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Item Geochemical mapping in stream sediments of the Carajas Mineral Province: Background values for the Itacaiunas River watershed, Brazil(Elsevier, 2020) Salomao, G.N; Dall'Agnol, R; Sahoo, P.K; Angelica, R.S; de Medeiros, Filho C.A; Ferreira, Junior J.D.S; Sousa da, Silva M; Souza Filho, P.W.M.E; Nascimento, Junior W.D.R; da Costa, M.F; Guilherme, L.R.G; Siqueira, J.O.D.Multi-elemental analysis of high-density (regional-scale) geochemical surveys is an important strategy for multi-purpose applications, particularly in addressing geochemical background concentrations in different sampling media. This approach was applied to the Itacaiunas River Watershed (IRW), which is situated in the most prominent mining area of Brazil, the Carajas Mineral Province. Microcatchment-based mapping (~50 km2 each) covering the whole extent of IRW was delimited using remote sensing techniques and targeted for sampling. A total of 788 samples, including 27 duplicates, were collected in 2017. The <0.177 mm fraction of all samples was digested by aqua regia and 51 elements were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Geochemical maps for Fe and potentially toxic elements (PTE; As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, V, and Zn) and microcatchment-based distribution maps based on threshold values were constructed for the whole IRW. The stream sediment geochemistry is mainly controlled by the local geologic setting and underlying lithology. Geochemical background (GB) values for 43 elements in stream sediments of the IRW were determined by a variety of methods (Tukey's inner fences -TIF, median +- 2*median absolute deviation - MAD, and percentile-based techniques). The results provided from the different methods show a wide range of values, with the MAD method being considered the most appropriate for deriving GB concentrations. A comparison of reference levels for PTE contemplated in the Brazilian regulation in stream sediments, the threshold concentrations obtained for the IRW area, and different study cases around the world is presented in detail. Our findings provide not only valuable information for selecting potential areas for mineral exploration surveys, but also for evaluating geochemical contaminant effects with time-varying treatments. Studies conducted to determine background values at regional scale are needed for environmental decision making, as well as to attest actions in cases of potential contamination. In the absence of these studies, misleading interpretations of the magnitude of contamination levels in a certain area may cause under- or overestimation of ecological and/or human-health risks of PTE. - 2020 Elsevier LtdItem Source and background threshold values of potentially toxic elements in soils by multivariate statistics and GIS-based mapping: a high density sampling survey in the Parauapebas basin, Brazilian Amazon(Springer, 2020) Sahoo, P.K; Dall�Agnol R; Salom�o, G.N; da Silva, Ferreira Junior J; da Silva, M.S; Martins, G.C; e Souza Filho, P.W.M; Powell, M.A; Maurity, C.W; Angelica, R.S; da Costa, M.F; Siqueira, J.O.A high-density regional-scale soil geochemical survey comprising 727 samples (one sample per each 5 � 5�km grid) was carried out in the Parauapebas sub-basin of the Brazilian Amazonia, under the Itacai�nas Basin Geochemical Mapping and Background Project. Samples were taken from two depths at each site: surface soil, 0�20�cm and deep soil, 30�50�cm. The ground and sieved (< 75��m) fraction was digested using aqua regia and analyzed for 51 elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). All data were used here, but the principal focus was on the potential toxic elements (PTEs) and Fe and Mn to evaluate the spatial distribution patterns and to establish their geochemical background concentrations in soils. Geochemical maps as well as principal component analysis (PCA) show that the distribution patterns of the elements are very similar between surface and deep soils. The PCA, applied on clr-transformed data, identified four major associations: Fe�Ti�V�Sc�Cu�Cr�Ni (Gp-1); Zr�Hf�U�Nb�Th�Al�P�Mo�Ga (Gp-2); K�Na�Ca�Mg�Ba�Rb�Sr (Gp-3); and La�Ce�Co�Mn�Y�Zn�Cd (Gp-4). Moreover, the distribution patterns of elements varied significantly among the three major geological domains. The whole data indicate a strong imprint of local geological setting in the geochemical associations and point to a dominant geogenic origin for the analyzed elements. Copper and Fe in Gp-1 were enriched in the Caraj�s basin and are associated with metavolcanic rocks and banded-iron formations, respectively. However, the spatial distribution of Cu is also highly influenced by two hydrothermal mineralized copper belts. Ni�Cr in Gp-1 are highly correlated and spatially associated with mafic and ultramafic units. The Gp-2 is partially composed of high field strength elements (Zr, Hf, Nb, U, Th) that could be linked to occurrences of A-type Neoarchean granites. The Gp-3 elements are mobile elements which are commonly found in feldspars and other rock-forming minerals being liberated by chemical weathering. The background threshold values (BTV) were estimated separately for surface and deep soils using different methods. The �75th percentile�, which commonly used for the estimation of the quality reference values (QRVs) following the Brazilian regulation, gave more restrictive or conservative (low) BTVs, while the �MMAD� was more realistic to define high BTVs that can better represent the so-called mineralized/normal background. Compared with CONAMA Resolution (No. 420/2009), the conservative BTVs of most of the toxic elements were below the prevention limits (PV), except Cu, but when the high BTVs are considered, Cu, Co, Cr and Ni exceeded the PV limits. The degree of contamination (Cdeg), based on the conservative BTVs, indicates low contamination, except in the Caraj�s basin, which shows many anomalies and had high contamination mainly from Cu, Cr and Ni, but this is similar between surface and deep soils indicating that the observed high anomalies are strictly related to geogenic control. This is supported when the Cdeg is calculated using the high BTVs, which indicates low contamination. This suggests that the use of only conservative BTVs for the entire region might overestimate the significance of anthropogenic contamination; thus, we suggest the use of high BTVs for effective assessment of soil contamination in this region. The methodology and results of this study may help developing strategies for geochemical mapping in other Caraj�s soils or in other Amazonian soils with similar characteristics. � 2019, Springer Nature B.V.Item Source and background threshold values of potentially toxic elements in soils by multivariate statistics and GIS-based mapping: a high density sampling survey in the Parauapebas basin, Brazilian Amazon(Springer, 2019) Sahoo, Prafulla Kumar; Dall’Agnol, R; Salomão, G.N; da Silva Ferreira Junior, J; da Silva, M.S; Martins ,G.C; e Souza Filho, P.W.M; Powell, M.A; Maurity, C.W; Angelica, R.S; da Costa, M.F; Siqueira, J.O.A high-density regional-scale soil geochemical survey comprising 727 samples (one sample per each 5 × 5 km grid) was carried out in the Parauapebas sub-basin of the Brazilian Amazonia, under the Itacaiúnas Basin Geochemical Mapping and Background Project. Samples were taken from two depths at each site: surface soil, 0–20 cm and deep soil, 30–50 cm. The ground and sieved (< 75 µm) fraction was digested using aqua regia and analyzed for 51 elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). All data were used here, but the principal focus was on the potential toxic elements (PTEs) and Fe and Mn to evaluate the spatial distribution patterns and to establish their geochemical background concentrations in soils. Geochemical maps as well as principal component analysis (PCA) show that the distribution patterns of the elements are very similar between surface and deep soils. The PCA, applied on clr-transformed data, identified four major associations: Fe–Ti–V–Sc–Cu–Cr–Ni (Gp-1); Zr–Hf–U–Nb–Th–Al–P–Mo–Ga (Gp-2); K–Na–Ca–Mg–Ba–Rb–Sr (Gp-3); and La–Ce–Co–Mn–Y–Zn–Cd (Gp-4). Moreover, the distribution patterns of elements varied significantly among the three major geological domains. The whole data indicate a strong imprint of local geological setting in the geochemical associations and point to a dominant geogenic origin for the analyzed elements. Copper and Fe in Gp-1 were enriched in the Carajás basin and are associated with metavolcanic rocks and banded-iron formations, respectively. However, the spatial distribution of Cu is also highly influenced by two hydrothermal mineralized copper belts. Ni–Cr in Gp-1 are highly correlated and spatially associated with mafic and ultramafic units. The Gp-2 is partially composed of high field strength elements (Zr, Hf, Nb, U, Th) that could be linked to occurrences of A-type Neoarchean granites. The Gp-3 elements are mobile elements which are commonly found in feldspars and other rock-forming minerals being liberated by chemical weathering. The background threshold values (BTV) were estimated separately for surface and deep soils using different methods. The ‘75th percentile’, which commonly used for the estimation of the quality reference values (QRVs) following the Brazilian regulation, gave more restrictive or conservative (low) BTVs, while the ‘MMAD’ was more realistic to define high BTVs that can better represent the so-called mineralized/normal background. Compared with CONAMA Resolution (No. 420/2009), the conservative BTVs of most of the toxic elements were below the prevention limits (PV), except Cu, but when the high BTVs are considered, Cu, Co, Cr and Ni exceeded the PV limits. The degree of contamination (Cdeg), based on the conservative BTVs, indicates low contamination, except in the Carajás basin, which shows many anomalies and had high contamination mainly from Cu, Cr and Ni, but this is similar between surface and deep soils indicating that the observed high anomalies are strictly related to geogenic control. This is supported when the Cdeg is calculated using the high BTVs, which indicates low contamination. This suggests that the use of only conservative BTVs for the entire region might overestimate the significance of anthropogenic contamination; thus, we suggest the use of high BTVs for effective assessment of soil contamination in this region. The methodology and results of this study may help developing strategies for geochemical mapping in other Carajás soils or in other Amazonian soils with similar characteristics. © 2019, Springer Nature B.V.