Women and Nature in Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain: An Ecofeminist Analysis

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In modernsocieties, there are countless ways toview natureor environment.In modern-days,industrial practices move human beings awayfromthenature, so it becomesimportant to consider the ways in which we connect to our surrounding nature.People from all over the world are suffering from the results of the projects, which progress in today's industrial society.The way to such type of thinking is offered by the theory of ecocriticism. Ecocriticism deals withconceptssuch as deep ecology, ecopoeticsandecofeminism. Ecofeminism encouragesour interconnectedness with nature. It also addressesthe subjugation of women and marginalised people.The recognition of social and environmentalinjusticeis presented by categorizing women and subjugated people withtheenvironment. The social and environmentalissues,which are not separate,arethe central tenetsof Ecofeminism. So,the mistreatment of women, people of color and environment stem from thesame place.Anita Desai is one of the India's fore most writers. There are varietiesof ways to analyseand to look at Anita Desai's works. Anita Desai portrayssomething universal and greater by using ordinary and everyday activities.Her novel Fire on the Mountain (1977), won the National Academy of Letters Award in 1977, and The Sahitya Academy Award in 1978. The novel Fire on the Mountain depicts the darker aspects of women as well as the darker shades of nature.It also concernedwith the parallel victimization and domination of women and nature.



Ecofeminism, Environment, Domination, Nature, Destruction, Women


Kaur, Jaswinderand Kaur, Zameerpal (2018) Women and Nature in Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain: An Ecofeminist Analysis. International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities. Vol. 6 (3). PP.62-74.



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