Analysis of MAODV MANET routing protocol on different mobility models

dc.contributor.authorKaur, N.
dc.description.abstractMANET is an infrastructure less network. It has various applications in fields like military, commercial sector, local level, etc. MANET is easy to setup, configure and build. Due to infrastructure less network, MANET relies on the cooperation of nodes for communication. In MANET, communication between the nodes is possible with the help of protocols which are categorized into three types like reactive, proactive and hybrid. In the reactive category of protocol, a path is established at the real time. In the proactive category, protocols have predefined routing tables for each node. The hybrid category is the combination of both these categories. Modified Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MAODV) is the reactive protocol which defines all possible routes among source node and the destination node which are maintained during data transmission. In the case of a disappointment of definite route, the data packets are transferred through secondary routes which were established with the help of routing tables that stores the multiple route paths to the destination. In the real world, nodes in MANET are allowed to transfer in any direction. Thus movement models like Random Way Point (RWP), Random Walk (RW), Random Direction (RD) and Gauss-Markov (GM) are taken as they have different mobility patterns. Therefore, M-AODV is implemented over different mobility models to compute parameters like End to End Delay (E2E Delay), Average Hop Count (AHC), and Throughput. ? 2017 IEEE.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKaur, N. (2018). Analysis of MAODV MANET routing protocol on different mobility models. Paper presented at the RTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.en_US
dc.subjectMilitary applicationsen_US
dc.subjectMobile telecommunication systemsen_US
dc.subjectRouting protocolsen_US
dc.subjectAd hoc on demand distance vectoren_US
dc.subjectE2E Delayen_US
dc.subjectInfrastructure-less networksen_US
dc.subjectMANET routing protocolsen_US
dc.subjectReactive protocolsen_US
dc.subjectMobile ad hoc networksen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of MAODV MANET routing protocol on different mobility modelsen_US
dc.title.journalRTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Proceedingsen_US
dc.typeConference Paperen_US
