Statistical optimization of operating parameters of microbial electrolysis cell treating dairy industry wastewater using quadratic model to enhance energy generation

dc.contributor.authorRani, Gini
dc.contributor.authorBanu, J. Rajesh
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Gopalakrishnan
dc.contributor.authorYogalakshmi, K.N.
dc.description.abstractThe performance of Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is affected by several operating conditions. Therefore, in the present study, an optimization study was done to determine the working efficiency of MEC in terms of COD (chemical oxygen demand) removal, hydrogen and current generation. Optimization was carried out using a quadratic mathematical model of response surface methodology (RSM). Thirteen sets of experimental runs were performed to optimize the applied voltage and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of single chambered batch fed MEC operated with dairy industry wastewater. The operating conditions (i.e) an applied voltage of 0.8 V and HRT of 2 days that showed a maximum COD removal response was chosen for further studies. The MEC operated at optimized condition (HRT- 2 days and applied voltage- 0.8 V) showed a COD removal efficiency of 95 � 2%, hydrogen generation of 32 � 5 mL/L/d, Power density of 152 mW/cm2 and current generation of 19 mA. The results of the study implied that RSM, with its high degree of accuracy can be a reliable tool for optimizing the process of wastewater treatment. Also, dairy industry wastewater can be considered to be a potential source to generate hydrogen and energy through MEC at short HRT. � 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLCen_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.subjectCOD removal efficiencyen_US
dc.subjectDairy industry wastewateren_US
dc.subjectEnergy recoveryen_US
dc.subjectHydrogen productionen_US
dc.subjectResponse surface methodologyen_US
dc.titleStatistical optimization of operating parameters of microbial electrolysis cell treating dairy industry wastewater using quadratic model to enhance energy generationen_US
dc.title.journalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energyen_US
dc.type.accesstypeClosed Accessen_US
