Study Of Microfossils (Foraminifers) From The Khari Nadi Formation Of Jangadia Section Kutch: Palaeoenvironmental Implication

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2018, 2018

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Central University of Punjab


The study area lies in the Kutch of Gujarat which is western most part of the Indian subcontinent. This dissertation attempts to study the systematic palaentology of the foraminifera and palaeoenvironment of the Khari Nadi formation of Jangadia section of lower Miocene time. After the thorough study and taking photograph by using trinocular sterozoom microscope nearly 160 specimen are found and most of them are benthic foraminifera and only few of them are planktonic. The benthic foraminifera is best to study the palaeoenvironment of the particular area. The specimen Elphidium are found at the lagoonal environment. Quinqueloculina and triloculina are found in the nearshore environment. Nonion and Nonionella are found in the outerself environment. So, the Khari Nadi formation of Jhangadia section was lagoonal to upperslope environment during the time of lower Miocene which the was slowly transgressive over a stable shelf




Haobijam, Johnson (2018) Study Of Microfossils (Foraminifers) From The Khari Nadi Formation Of Jangadia Section Kutch: Palaeoenvironmental Implication



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