Chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils of dracocephalum heterophyllum benth And Hyssopus officinalis L Collected wild from Western Himalay

dc.contributor.authorStappena, Iris
dc.contributor.authorWannerb Jürgen
dc.contributor.authorTabanca, Nurhayat
dc.contributor.authorWedge, David E.
dc.contributor.authorAli, Abbas
dc.contributor.authorKaul, Vijay K.
dc.contributor.authorLal, Brij
dc.contributor.authorJaitak, Vikas
dc.contributor.authorGochev, Velizar K.
dc.contributor.authorSchmidt, Erich
dc.contributor.authorJirovetz, Leopold
dc.description.abstractThe essential oils of two representatives of the Lamiaceae, Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth. and Hyssopus officinalis L., are described for their antifungal, antibacterial, larvicidal and inect biting deterrent activities. Additionally, the chemical compositions of the essential oils, analyzed by simultaneous GC-MS and GC-FID, and odor descriptions are given. The main components of H. officinalis oil were pinocarvone, cis-pinocamphone, and ?-pinene. Citronellol was found as the main compound of D. heterophyllum essential oil. Antibacterial testing by agar dilution assay revealed greater activity of D. heterophyllum against Staphylococcus aureus compared with H. officinalis. D. heterophyllum essential oil also showed promising antifungal activity against Colletotrichum species and was more toxic to Aedes aegypti larvae in a larvicial bioassay. Both essential oils showed high activity in the biting deterrent bioassay.en_US
dc.identifier.citationStappena, Iris., Wanner, Jürgen and Tabanca, Nurhayat et. al. (2015) Chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils of dracocephalum heterophyllum benth And Hyssopus officinalis L Collected wild from Western Himalay. Natural Product Communications. Vol. 10(1), PP. 133-138.en_US
dc.identifier.issnOnline- 15559475
dc.subjectDracocephalum heterophyllumen_US
dc.subjectHyssopus officinalisen_US
dc.subjectEssential oilen_US
dc.subjectAntifungal activityen_US
dc.subjectAntibacterial activityen_US
dc.subjectBiting deterrent activityen_US
dc.subjectLarvicidal activity.en_US
dc.titleChemical composition and biological activity of essential oils of dracocephalum heterophyllum benth And Hyssopus officinalis L Collected wild from Western Himalayen_US
dc.title.journalNatural Product Communicationsen_US
dc.type.accesstypeOpen Accessen_US
