Gender Discrimination: Bane for the Society.

dc.contributor.authorSingh, Shamshir
dc.contributor.authorKaur, Ranjit
dc.description.abstractOne of the most significant economic development of 21st Century was the entry of women into paid jobs.The growing participation of women in the job sector was a major trend in all most all the industrialised nations in the 21st century and that trend is proceeding at rapid rate even in the developing countries of the world.About four decades back women particularly the housewives were likely to be in the home pursuing domestic responsibilities of upbringing the family and taking care of husband and children.The demographic changes such as low birth rates, rising number of divorce cases, delay in childbearing as well as other developments such as womens rising educational status, changes in social attitudes and growingdemands of women in job sector are changing the environment at the working place.The time has come that the male dominated society of our country shoud start realising the potential of women fully so that she too can make her valuable contributions to the society and nation as a whole starts progressing towards the path of social, poltical, economic and national development and it is only then we can envision the goal of achieving an egalitiarian societyen_US
dc.identifier.citationSingh, Shamshir and Kaur, Ranjit (2014) Gender Discrimination: Bane for the Society. Review of Research Journal. Vol. 3(9). pp. 1-4.en_US
dc.publisherReview of Researchen_US
dc.titleGender Discrimination: Bane for the Society.en_US
dc.title.journalReview of Research Journal
dc.type.accesstypeOpen Access
