Improved Image Fusion of Colored and Grayscale Medical Images Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

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Taylor and Francis Ltd.


Image fusion is the process of combining the properties of two images into one single image that will show the features of both the images. There are various methods available in the literature to fuse the images. In this paper, an intuitionistic fuzzy logic-based image fusion approach has been implemented for medical images that firstly suppresses the noise and enhances the input images, and merges them efficiently in Hue-Saturation-Intensity domain. Here, enhancement is included because these input images are not always well contrasted and may contain some noise due to the inherent properties of the modalities used for capturing the images. The intuitionistic fuzzy sets are incorporated to handle uncertainties that are often due to vagueness and ambiguity. The results certify that this method significantly improves the output fused image than the image obtained by existing technique both visually and metrically.



contrast enhancement, fuzzy histogram equalization, Image fusion, intuitionistic fuzzy sets


Kumar M., Kaur A., Amita(2018) Improved Image Fusion of Colored and Grayscale Medical Images Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets



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