Geminin as an Emerging Anticancer Drug Target
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Juniper Publishers
For normal cell division, one time replication origin firing is
mandatory. The mutual interaction and levels of Cdt1 and geminin
(GMNN) proteins are known to be involved in this regulatory
mechanism. Imbalance between these protein levels may cause
defects in replication of DNA leading to genome instability. This
might cause cancer. In different stem cells, such as leukemic and
hematopoietic stem cells, significant levels of GMNN have been
recorded. It has been observed that siRNA mediated GMNN
suppression can arrest cancer cell proliferation without affecting
the normal cells. Two molecules of GMNN and one molecule of
Cdt1 form a heterotrimer, and two heterotrimer combines and
form heterohexamer which inhibits the DNA licensing process.
Any moiety that is able to inhibit the formation of GMNN-Cdt1
heterohexamer might act as regulatory source and could be
utilized as a DNA replication inhibitor in cancer cells
Kushwaha PP, Rapalli KC, Kumar S (2016) Geminin a multi task protein involved in cancer pathophysiology and developmental process: A review. Biochimie 131 (2016) 115-127.