Socio political protest : a comapartive study of selected plays (Har ik nu jion da haq chahidaye and savere di lo) of gursharan singh and selcted poems of sant ram udasi

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Central University of Punjab


The present research is based on the comparative study of two Punjabi writers Gursharan Singh and Sant Ram Udasi. If one is famous for his poetry the other is equally famous for his plays. There are similarities in the themes of both the writers. The theme of protest by the labour class especially women is shown in one and in other it is the farmer class which fights for its rights. The writers belong to Punjab and based their writing upon the socio-political conditions prevailing in this part of the country which led to the suppression of one class in the hands of another class. The compared writings belong to the field of political writing and the language and tone of both the authors is revolutionary. It deals with the problems of marginalised sections of society who have to suffer a lot in the capitalist world. The writers do not take any stand based on their religion rather their writing is for the people, to the people and by the people. The study would be across genre but the themes are the main focus. For this examples are given from the respective texts starting from the history of this kind of writing in Punjabi language before these writers came up.



Protest, Gursharan Singh, Sant Ram Udasi, Women, Har Ik Nu Jion da Haq Chahidaye, Savere di Lo


Kaur, Kiranpal (2013) Socio political protest a comapartive study of selected plays (Har ik nu jion da haq chahidaye and savere di lo) of gursharan singh and selcted poems of sant ram udasi.



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