Driving errors as a function of listening to music and FM radio: A simulator study

dc.contributor.authorNageswara Rao, A.
dc.contributor.authorJeyapaul, R.
dc.contributor.authorNajar, Sajad Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorChaitanya, B.
dc.description.abstractObjectives: Driving is a dynamic activity that takes place in a constantly changing environment, carrying safety implications not only for the driver but also for other road users. Despite the potentially life-threatening consequences of incorrect driving behavior, drivers often engage in activities unrelated to driving. This study aims to investigate the frequency and types of errors committed by drivers when they are distracted compared to when they are not distracted. Methods: A total of 64 young male participants volunteered for the study, completing four driving trials in a driving simulator. The trials consisted of different distraction conditions: listening to researcher-selected music, driver-selected music, FM radio conversation, and driving without any auditory distractions. The simulated driving scenario resembled a semi-urban environment, with a track length of 12 km. Results: The findings of the study indicate that drivers are more prone to making errors when engaged in FM radio conversations compared to listening to music. Additionally, errors related to speeding were found to be more prevalent across all experimental conditions. Conclusions: These results emphasize the significance of reducing distractions while driving to improve road safety. The findings add to our understanding of the particular distractions that carry higher risks and underscore the necessity for focused interventions to reduce driver errors, especially related to FM radio conversations. Future research can delve into additional factors that contribute to driving errors and develop effective strategies to promote safer driving practices. � 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.en_US
dc.publisherTaylor and Francis Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectdriver behavioren_US
dc.subjectdriver distractionen_US
dc.subjectDriving errorsen_US
dc.titleDriving errors as a function of listening to music and FM radio: A simulator studyen_US
dc.title.journalTraffic Injury Preventionen_US
dc.type.accesstypeOpen Accessen_US
