Theme of Revolt in the Selected Poems of Pash and Lal Singh Dil
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Central University of Punjab
The central theme of Punjabi poets Pash (Avtar Singh Sandhu) and Lal
Singh Dil is a revolt against an unjust social and economic system. This study is
an attempt to trace this theme by undertaking a detailed study of Pash Sampooran
Pash Kav by Pash and Naaglok by Lal Singh Dil. The prime object of this research
project is to bring into focus the issues of protest and revolt surfacing in the
different classes of society in Punjab of sixties and seventies, through a
comparative study of the two anthologies. Both two poets Pash and Lal Singh Dil
are product of the revolutionary and explicitly political phase of Punjabi poetry.
Their work is concerned with social, political and economic issues, particularly
critiquing inequality, injustice and exploitation of the poor and the marginalised.
Pash's poetry is a revolt against the inhuman political and social system of the
country. Challenging the political system of the country, Pash refuses to be a
gentle citizen accepting the things as they are. Casteism is a more important issue
in Lal Singh Dil's poetry. Reflecting the deplorable circumstances of his life and
that of those around him suffering extreme of poverty, injustice and oppression, he
emerged as a major voice of the Dalits. Lal Singh Dil was very conscious of his
caste and class and took up his pen for his fellow victims. Pash, who received
more recognition than Dil during his life time, on the other hand, came from a
relatively privileged class and his concerns are different. This comparative study
tries to trace the type of revolt in the poems of both these poets.
Revolution, Revolt, Pash, Lal Singh Dil, Sampooran Pash Kav, Naaglok
Kaur, Manpreet (2012) Orientalising the postcolonial nation-state: a study of the inheritance of loss and half a life.