An Analysis Of The Working Of CCI in Reference To Abuse Of Dominant Position In Media And Entertainment Sector During 2009- 2017

dc.contributor.authorVerma, Pratibha
dc.contributor.supervisorPathak, Puneet
dc.description.abstractProblem relating to abuse of dominant position by an enterprise is present in almost every country in the world. Dominant position is the position of strength enjoyed by any enterprise in the market. It enables him to function independently of the various competitive forces that are prevalent in the market, or affect its competitors or consumers or the relevant market in its favor. Earlier MRTP Act, 1969 was in existence to prevent the concentration of economic power to the common detriment; to control monopolies and to prohibit monopolistic, restrictive and unfair trade practices. But this Act didn't mention abuse of dominance, cartels, collusion and price fixing, bid rigging, boycotts and refusal to deal, predatory pricing etc. Moreover it didn't contain any express provision for the application of the Act on any anti- competitive conduct outside India and affecting Indian market in an adverse manner. On the basis of the recommendations of the Raghavan committee, government of India enacted Competition Act in 2002. Competition Commission of India is the nodal agency under the Act to deal with the problem of abuse of dominant position. It started its working in 2009. 868 cases have been filled in the Commission up to 2017 regarding contravention of the provisions of the abuse of dominant position. The present study analyses the working of CCI in regard to abuse of dominant positionen_US
dc.identifier.citationVerma, Pratibha (2018) An Analysis Of The Working Of CCI in Reference To Abuse Of Dominant Position In Media And Entertainment Sector During 2009- 2017en_US
dc.publisherCentral University of Punjaben_US
dc.subjectAbuse of Dominant Positionen_US
dc.subjectCompetition Commission of Indiaen_US
dc.subjectRaghavan Committeeen_US
dc.titleAn Analysis Of The Working Of CCI in Reference To Abuse Of Dominant Position In Media And Entertainment Sector During 2009- 2017en_US
dc.typeMaster Dissertationen_US


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