Toxicant/Pesticide Residue/Adulteration Detection in Some Valuable Plantation Products

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CRC Press


Adulteration is the act of debasing a pure or genuine commodity for pecuniary profit by adding to it an inferior or spurious article, or by taking from it one or more of its constituents to increase the bulk or weight of the article, to improve its appearance, to give it a false strength, or to rob it of its most valuable constituent. It is a chief public health economic fraud that is consistent, simple, sensitive, and extremely traceable, as there are validation techniques combined with standards of quality. There is a very convenient way to identify adulteration and maintenance of quality in the traded spices and herbs. The chemical oxidation involved in the different stages of black tea processing may be judged by biosensors. Variables in processing simulations can reduce various operations, time, resources, labour, and consequently costs. New technologies, value-added products, comfort products, and the production of compatible flavours are constantly under study to meet consumer requirements. � 2022 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


