Monetary response to global financial crisis in india econometrics analysis

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Central University of Punjab


This study has examined India's monetary policy response to global financial crisis by applying Taylor's rule with the aid of Autoregressive Distributed Lag model. It also investigates monetary policy response during pre global financial crisis period. The study has used quarterly data for pre-crisis (2001Q1 to 2008Q1) and post-crisis periods (2008Q2 to 2012Q4). All in all, it was revealed that Taylor's rule is more responsive to industrial output, exchange rate and inflation in short run as compared to long-run. However, monetary policy is responsive to inflation in industrial commodities in long-run. During post crisis period, it is responsive to output, inflation and exchange rate in short run whereas it has turned out to be non-responsive in the long-run. In addition to this, trends and perspectives of monetary policy in India were also analysed during the period 1970-71 to 2012-13.



Monetary policy, Global financial Crisis, Taylor's rule, ARDL Approach, HP Filter


Bhuyan, Biswabhushan (2014) Monetary response to global financial crisis in india econometrics analysis.



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