Securitization of Climate Change: A Case Study of India

dc.contributor.authorVerma, Sudheer Singh
dc.description.abstractHumans are living in fear of risk of instability and conflicts that are arising from the interaction of climate change, environmental degradation and social, economic, demographic, and political factors. Actors�individual, community, and Mass media (as an institutional actor) are involved in the process of securitization of occurred/occurring disastrous natural phenomenon induced by changes in the Earth�s ecosystem through recalling memories in the mind of members of a society. For instance, the occurred heavy rains, floods, and droughts over different parts of India caused by variability in the pattern of weather. The changing pattern of weather is a result of rising temperature on the earth caused by human activities, which are emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It is also a tense situation for human being when they are experiencing this sort of natural disaster on frequent basis; they are also facing a sense of risk for their future based on climate change and its consequences. This chapter has attempted to illustrate natural events by shedding lights on the social, demographic, economic, and political impacts. This chapter also has attempted to explain securitization process of climate change through the understanding theory of securitization with considering examples from India. � The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Natureen_US
dc.subjectClimate changeen_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental degradationen_US
dc.subjectMass mediaen_US
dc.titleSecuritization of Climate Change: A Case Study of Indiaen_US
dc.title.journalNontraditional Security Concerns in India: Issues and Challengesen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.type.accesstypeClosed Accessen_US
