Extended cavity pyrene-based iptycenes for the turn-off fluorescence detection of RDX and common nitroaromatic explosives†‡
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Extended cavity pyrene-based iptycenes have been synthesized by using the Diels–Alder reaction between in situ generated dehydropyrenes and anthracene. The photophysical properties and the interaction of these iptycenes with nitro-explosive components were studied both in solution and in the solid state by using fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, respectively. Due to the presence of both the large iptycene cavity and the central pyrene core, an unprecedently high fluorescence-quenching response towards non-aromatic and non-planar 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) has been observed both in solution (with an apparent Stern–Volmer constant value aKSV up to 1.53 × 103 M−1) and in the vapor phase (50–75% fluorescence quenching of the PU films doped with chemosensors). In the case of nitroaromatic explosives, nitrobenzene (NB), 2,4-DNT, TNT, and 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP or picric acid, PA), pyrene-based iptycenes also demonstrate a good fluorescence-quenching response both in solutions (with apparent Stern–Volmer constant values aKSV = 0.4–8.0 × 103 M−1) and in the vapor phase (up to 90% fluorescence quenching of the PU films doped with chemosensors). The “sphere of action” fluorescence quenching model was suggested.
Khasanov, Albert F., Kopchuk, Dmitry S., Kovalev, Igor S. and et. al. Extended cavity pyrene-based iptycenes for the turn-off fluorescence detection of RDX and common nitroaromatic explosives (2017) New Journal of Chemistry., pp. 2309-2320 , 10.1039/C6NJ02956F