Gelatin: A comprehensive report covering its indispensable aspects

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2016, 2016

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Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


Gelatin is a collagen derived product, obtained by incomplete hydrolysis of collagen procured from skin, bones and connective tissues of animals and exhibits flavourlessness, colourlessness and translucency. It is commonly utilised as a gelling agent and also as additive in food, drugs, cosmetics, paints, matches, photographic films and foam stabilizer. The overall amino acid composition and proportion of gelatin varies according to the source of raw material, however glycine, proline and hyrdoxyproline constitute almost 60% of the total amino acid residues while cysteine is absent. Besides being used in food industries, gelatin based composites and blends are used in pharmacy for manufacturing biocompatible gelatin scraps, tissue engineering films and controlled drug delivery systems. This chapter focuses on the physio-chemical properties of gelatin, its extraction, composites and blends. ? 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.



Amino acids, Biocompatibility, Composite materials, Controlled drug delivery, Hydrogels, Musculoskeletal system, Photographic films, Tissue, Tissue engineering, Amino acid compositions, Connective tissues, Controlled drug delivery systems, Derived products, Food industries, Gelatin, Physio-chemical properties, Total amino acids, Collagen


Ul Rehman, W., Majeed, A., Mehra, R., Bhushan, S., Rani, P., Saini, K. C., & Bast, F. (2016). Gelatin: A comprehensive report covering its indispensable aspects Natural Polymers: Derivatives, Blends and Composites, Volume I (pp. 209-222).