Human Trafficking and Its Consequences: South Asian Experiences through Indian Punjab

dc.contributor.authorKumar, Kovid
dc.contributor.supervisorVerma, Sudheer Singh
dc.description.abstractTrafficking in any form whether humans or drugs and arms is an alarming form of transnational organised crime. It is considered to be one of the severe problems of the contemporary world. Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal activity in the twenty-first century. Each year thousands of women, men and children are trafficked to use for forced labour, sexual exploitation, beggars, forced marriage, drugs and arms smuggling etc. All the activities comes under the process of illegal migration, which is supported by illegal networks. These networks are very strong and wide. The networks are continuing to desolate the world’s society as well as economies. For aspiration of better life, people migrate from one place to another place, which may be internal, regional and international migration in nature. Such trend has also been found in the case of Indian Punjab. People started to search an alternative route for migration because of the stringent migration rule adopted by the most of the country in the world. Illegally migrated people sometimes might be trapped into the case of human trafficking. As a result of it, transnational organised crimes are growing very fast. A vast number of cases of migration and human trafficking have been regarded with increasing concerns of human right violation, social and economic bleak and unlawful/undocumented node in this area. The study has discussed all the driving factors responsible for illegal migration of people and lager human trafficking. The study also understands a very need of adopting right based approach to curb the problem. The study covers all the v aspects of human trafficking and its intricate connection with migration. To make easy understanding on all the aspects of research issues, the study is divided into four sections. First section introduces the problem of unauthorized migration from Indian Punjab. Second part shows the interconnection among the issues intricate in the study. Third section testifies the ground realities in respect of theoretical aspects based on the theoretical foundations. Fourth part analyses the issues the issues and leads to conclusion and suggestions based on the brief discussion on the initiative taken at international, regional and national level to solve the problem.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKumar, Kovid & Verma, Sudheer Singh (2018) Human Trafficking and Its Consequences: South Asian Experiences through Indian Punjaben_US
dc.publisherCentral University of Punjaben_US
dc.subjectHuman Traffickingen_US
dc.subjectIndividual Mobilityen_US
dc.subjectIndian Punjaben_US
dc.subjectTranstiol Organised Crimeen_US
dc.subjectHuman Security.en_US
dc.titleHuman Trafficking and Its Consequences: South Asian Experiences through Indian Punjaben_US
