Isolation of indigenous butachlor (Herbicide) degrading bacteria from the agricultural fields of punjab

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2014, 2014

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Central University of Punjab


Butachlor (N-Butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2', 6'-diethyl acetanilide) is a chloroacetalanilide herbicide widely used in paddy fields. Due to extensive application, high stability and persistence in soil and water, has resulted in its ubiquitous presence as a pollutant. Hence, it becomes necessary to degrade the herbicide through an eco friendly and cost effective method. In this study, the degradation of butachlor herbicide was studied under controlled laboratory condition. The soil was collected from the agricultural fields of Punjab. The inoculum from the soil was enriched in 0.16mmol/L of butachlor at 130 rpm and 30 ?C. The enriched culture was plated and the best growing bacteria was isolated and designated as JF. The biodegradation of strain JF was evaluated at 0.16 and 0.32mmol/L concentration of butachlor. The isolate showed a degradation efficiency of 91.87% and 78.08% at 0.16mmol/L and 0.32mmol/L of butachlor, respectively in 120 hours (pH 7). The bacterial isolate JF was identified as Staphylococcus sp. through biochemical characterization. This study highlights the first report of isolation of butachlor degrading bacteria from the native soil of Punjab.



Butachlor, herbicide, isolation, indigenous, bioremediation, Staphylococcus sp, Punjab


Singh, Jatinder (2014) Isolation of indigenous butachlor (Herbicide) degrading bacteria from the agricultural fields of punjab.



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