PGPR Bioelicitors: Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) and Proteomic Perspective on Biocontrol
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Control of plant disease is primarily reliable on the indiscriminant use of chemical pesticides including the bactericides, fungicides, and insecticides that are harmful for plant pathogens, or plant disease vectors. However, negative effect of these chemicals and their degradation products may pose hazardous effect to the environment and human beings that paved the researchers and growers for exploring the new and eco-friendly mode of disease control. To date, use of alternative methods such as, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as biological control agents, have been found effective and are being increasingly applied in the field. PGPR directly and indirectly enhances the plant growth and reduces the disease development in plant system by various mechanisms that include: Production of antimicrobial metabolites, volatile compounds, induced systemic resistance (ISR), etc. These defense mechanisms can cause substantial changes in the plants structural and functional changes that lead to pathogen resistance. Present review describes the biocontrol mechanism and proteomic perspective of PGPR elicitors in plant disease management.
Rhizosphere, Biocontrol, Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Bioelicitors, Induced systemic resistance, Proteomics
Kannojia, Pooja., Choudhary, Krishna Kumar., Srivastava, Akhileswar Kumar and et. al. (2019) PGPR Bioelicitors: Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) and Proteomic Perspective on Biocontrol. PGPR Amelioration in Sustainable Agriculture - Food Security and Environmental Management. Chapter-4, PP. 67-84.