Changes in the surface water quality of a tropical watershed in the southeastern amazon due to the environmental impacts of artisanal mining

dc.contributor.authorSalom�o, Gabriel Negreiros
dc.contributor.authorDall'Agnol, Roberto
dc.contributor.authorSahoo, Prafulla Kumar
dc.contributor.authorAlmeida, Gabriel Soares de
dc.contributor.authorAmarante, Rafael Tarantino
dc.contributor.authorZeferino, Leiliane Bozzi
dc.contributor.authorLopes, Jo�o Paulo Nobre
dc.contributor.authorSouza Filho, Pedro Walfir Martins e
dc.contributor.authorCosta, Normara Yane Mar da
dc.contributor.authorGuimar�es, Jos� Tasso Felix
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Marcio Sousa da
dc.contributor.authorMartins, Gabriel Caixeta
dc.contributor.authorTeixeira, Mayara Fraeda Barbosa
dc.contributor.authorMarques, Eduardo Duarte
dc.contributor.authorAng�lica, R�mulo Sim�es
dc.contributor.authorAra�jo, Wilker Emmanoel Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThe expansion of areas of human occupation and the increase in economic activity and deforestation are negatively impacting the Amazon ecosystem. Situated in the Caraj�s Mineral Province in the southeastern Amazon, the Itacai�nas River Watershed (IRW) encompasses several active mines and has a historical record of intense deforestation primarily linked with the expansion of pasturelands, but also of urban areas, and mining activities. Industrial mining projects are subjected to strict environmental control, but artisanal mining (ASM; �garimpos�) sites have not been controlled, despite their known environmental impacts. In recent years, the opening and expansion of ASM in the IRW for the exploitation of mineral resources (Au, Mn, and Cu) have been remarkable. This study presents evidence of anthropogenic impacts, mainly caused by ASM, on the quality and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the IRW surface water. The hydrogeochemical data sets of two projects carried out in the IRW, during 2017 and from 2020 until present, were used to evaluate these impacts within the region. Water quality indices were calculated for the surface water samples. For the whole IRW, water collected during the dry season tended to yield better quality indicators in comparison to those collected during the rainy season. Two sampling sites at Sereno Creek showed very poor water quality and extremely high concentrations of Fe, Al, and potentially toxic elements over time. From 2016 to 2022, ASM sites increased markedly. Moreover, there are indications that Mn exploitation via ASM in Sereno hill is the main source of contamination in the area. New trends of ASM expansion were observed along the main watercourses, related to the exploitation of Au from alluvial deposits. Similar anthropogenic impacts are registered in other regions of the Amazon and environmental monitoring should be encouraged to assess the chemical safety of strategic areas. � 2023 Elsevier Ltden_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.subjectCaraj�s mineral provinceen_US
dc.subjectItacai�nas river watersheden_US
dc.subjectWater quality indexen_US
dc.titleChanges in the surface water quality of a tropical watershed in the southeastern amazon due to the environmental impacts of artisanal miningen_US
dc.title.journalEnvironmental Pollutionen_US
dc.type.accesstypeClosed Accessen_US
