Resilience and Coping by Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability in Kerala, South India

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Vrije University


Purpose: This study examined the relationship between the resilience and coping mechanisms of parents of children with intellectual disability. Method: Study participants were recruited from special schools and neighbourhood groups of parents of children with special needs in Kerala, a southern state of India. Around 121 parents completed the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and Coping Strategies Screen. The correlational analysis revealed a significant relationship between their coping strategies and resilience. Results: Problem focussed coping strategies such as problem-solving skills, taking professional assistance, seeking information about managing the condition, taking time to discuss the ways of handling child�s condition with the family members/significant others and having recreational activities improved parental resilience. Whereas, emotion focused coping strategies for example, reliance on religious leaders for emotional support, weeping, blaming fate and doing nothing decreased their resilience. Rehabilitation professionals may plan interventions to expand problem focused coping skills so as to improve their resilience Conclusion: The findings have specific applications in developing interventions for parents of children with intellectual disability. � 2022, Vrije University. All rights reserved.



children with intellectual disability, emotion-focussed coping, parents, problem-focussed coping, resilience




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