Mercury in multimedia system of Itacai�nas Basin, Brazilian Amazon: An integrated approach to understand its distribution, origin, and ecological risk


This study presents the first integrated study on total Hg (THg) level in surface soil (SS), bottom soil (BS), stream sediments (SD), lake sediments (LS), stream water (SW), and lake water (LW) of Itacai�nas River Watershed (IRW), Brazil to investigate the source and distribution of Hg in different environmental media considering contrasts of geological domains and sub-basins and its potential ecological and human risk. Hg content in most of the soils and sediments were above the upper crustal average values (56 ?g/kg), however, when compared to the legal limits set by the Resolution CONAMA (Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente: soil 500 ?g/kg; sediment 486 ?g/kg), only 1 soil sample from Parauapebas sub-basin and 4 sediment samples from Viol�o Lake exceeded the limit. None of the SW and LW samples (<0.2 ?g/L; CONAMA limit for Class II freshwater) are markedly contaminated by Hg. The SS and BS show similar contents and spatial distribution of Hg with higher contents being registered mostly in the Itacai�nas and Parauapebas sub-basins, which are closely correlated with SD. This suggests that Hg levels are largely of geogenic origin and anthropogenic effect is highly limited. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results show that Hg is strongly associated with total organic carbon (TOC), loss on ignition (LOI), and SO3, indicating organic matter as the main factor controlling the distribution of Hg and this is the major cause of accentuated Hg enrichment in lake sediments. The ecological risk index revealed a low pollution risk for most of the solid samples, except 11% LS and <1.5% SS and SD samples, which registered moderate risk. Health risk assessment indicated no adverse non-carcinogenic health effect on either adults and children in terms of Hg contamination. This information will be useful for Hg risk assessment in the Caraj�s region and future environmental research in this direction in the Amazonia. � 2023 Elsevier Inc.



Caraj�s province, Eastern Amazonia, Geochemistry, Mercury pollution, Soil-sediment-water system




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