Microstructral Analysis Of Mammalian Teeth Enamel From Kutch And Siwalik Basin
2018, 2018
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Central University of Punjab
The studies area is lies along the western most part of the Indian sub-continent
between, the latitude of 23.13°-24.68° N and longitude 68.10°-71.80° E, which is pre
cratonic, is preserving almost a complete sequence of sedimentary deposits ranging in
age from Triassic to Recent. This dissertation attempts to study the microstructural
analysis of tooth’s enamel of mammals of dinotherium, gompotherium, hipparion,
rhino from Miocene deposit of Kutch basin Dental materials of deinotherium,
gompotherium, hipparion, rhino of Kutch basin was collected and sampled for
comprehensive analysis of the microstructure of the enamel. Microstructural features
of the mammalian tooth enamel used for taxonomical identification of the analysed
sample. I investigated the deinotheirum, Gompotheriidae, Rhinoceritidae, hipparion.
Microstructures can be analysed by the stacking pattern of the prisms, different
species belonging to different family shows different types of stacking pattern called
HSB. The results obtained from study of the SEM images suggest that different
species of different family show different enamel prism pattern. Apart from
taxonomical identification of the studied sample one can also find out dietary habits,
palaeo-environment and how substances with high hardness can be chewed and
grinded by enamel which is of less hardness.
EDJ (Enamel dentine junction), Radial Enamel(RE), Inter Prismatic Matrix (IPM)
Gogoi, Bikashit (2018) Microstructral Analysis Of Mammalian Teeth Enamel From Kutch And Siwalik Basin