Assessment of uranium concentration in the drinking water and associated health risks in Eastern Haryana, India

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Taylor and Francis Inc.


Quantification of uranium in drinking water has great significance considering its effects on human health. Drinking water samples collected from different sources, viz., hand pumps, tube-wells, and public water supply from Sonipat and Panipat districts of Haryana, India have been analyzed for uranium and other physico-chemical parameters. Uranium concentration in water samples was measured using Pulsed LED Fluorimeter. Uranium concentration in collected water samples ranges from 9.1 to 155.1 ?g/L in Sonipat district and 14.9 to 123.3 ?g/L in Panipat district. It was inferred from the data that uranium concentration in some water samples was higher than WHO & USEPA recommended limit of 30 ?g/L. The mean cancer risk due to uranium in drinking water in Sonipat and Panipat districts was found to be 1.40 ? 10?4 and 1.63 ? 10?4, respectively, which is lower than the maximum permissible limit (<10?3). Total Dissolve Salts (TDS) in water samples of some villages in Sonipat district was higher than permissible limits for drinking prescribed by WHO & BIS. ? 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.




Daulta, R., Singh, B., Kataria, N., & Garg, V. K. (2018). Assessment of uranium concentration in the drinking water and associated health risks in Eastern Haryana, India. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 24(4), 1115-1126. doi: 10.1080/10807039.2017.1406305



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