Performance assessment of phased array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar and Landsat-8 used in image classification

dc.contributor.authorSuman, Swati
dc.contributor.authorSrivastava, Prashant K.
dc.contributor.authorPetropoulos, George P.
dc.contributor.authorAvtar, Ram
dc.contributor.authorPrasad, Rajendra
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Sudhir Kumar
dc.contributor.authorMustak, S.K.
dc.contributor.authorFaraslis, Ioannis N.
dc.contributor.authorGupta, Dileep Kumar
dc.description.abstractOwing to its large spatial and periodic temporal coverage, satellite remote sensing has emerged for formulating and implementing strategies for natural resources management. This study focuses on an appraisal of satellite sensors and artificial intelligence techniques such as kernels-based support vector machines (SVMs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). These methods are used for land cover classification on multispectral and microwave satellite images acquired from Landsat-8 and Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS-2) Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) over Varanasi, India. The analysis shows comparable the performance of the microwave-classified image compared with the multispectral Landsat-8 image. ANNs and SVMs performed best with an overall accuracy of 97.3% and kappa coefficient of 0.97 for the Landsat-8 image, whereas SVM radial basis function was the best classifier for the ALOS PALSAR image with 94% overall accuracy. Other statistical indices such as kappa total disagreement and allocation disagreement scores revealed similar performances. The analysis demonstrated the ability of microwave data in land cover classification studies with satisfactory performance. These data can be used in nearly all weather and environmental conditions for broad image classification purposes when optical and infrared imagery such as Landsat are unavailable. � 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.subjectALOS PALSARen_US
dc.subjectArtificial neural networks (ANNs)en_US
dc.subjectImage classificationen_US
dc.subjectLand use/land coveren_US
dc.subjectSupervised image classificationen_US
dc.subjectSupport vector machines (SVMs)en_US
dc.titlePerformance assessment of phased array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar and Landsat-8 used in image classificationen_US
dc.title.journalRadar Remote Sensing: Applications and Challengesen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.type.accesstypeClosed Accessen_US
