Introduction to secondary metabolites
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Nova Science Publisher Inc.
Metabolic pathways in a microorganism, used for the production of energy, are known as primary metabolic pathway. The metabolic product or intermediary metabolites of primary metabolic pathway are used for the production of secondary metabolites. The pathway used for the production of secondary metabolites is known as secondary metabolism pathway. Secondary metabolites are defined as the chemical compounds that are not directly involved in the growth and development of an organism. Plants, animals, and microbes are known to produce secondary metabolites for various purposes such as defense from herbivores and predators, for pollination, to attract opposite sex individual of the same species, to invade host pathophysiological barriers, and protection from ultraviolet radiations, etc. Secondary metabolites are the basis of various medicinal system worlds around. Beside pharmaceutical industry secondary metabolites have an important place in textile, paper, cosmetics and other industries. Different techniques have been evolved from time to time with the advancement of science to increase the production of secondary metabolites. In the present chapter, we will discuss the importance of secondary metabolite production in plants, animals, and microbes. We will also discussthe machinery involved for increasing the production of secondary metabolites. ? 2018 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Kumar, S. (2018). Introduction to secondary metabolites Secondary Metabolite and Functional Food Components: Role in Health and Disease (pp. 1-11).