Structural, functional and evolutionary analysis of wheat WRKY45 protein: a combined bioinformatics and MD simulation approach

dc.contributor.authorRanjan, Prashant
dc.contributor.authorYadav, Ashok
dc.contributor.authorBehera, Ananta Keshari
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Dhiraj Kumar
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Premkant
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Ganga Prasad
dc.description.abstractBread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the world's as well as India�s second-most important cereal crop. It is an allohexaploid composed of three homeologous sub-genomes (AA, BB, and DD), which is a constraint in determining the complete genome sequence. Several transcription factors have been associated with both abiotic and biotic stress. WRKY transcription factors are among the best characterised in the context of pathogen defence mechanisms. Different members of the WRKY transcription factors have been shown to confer resistance to stress. But very little is known about the wheat WRKY transcription factors. In silico analysis of the TaWRKY45 protein was performed in the present study using several bioinformatics tools like motif scan, CD search, NetPhos, NGlycos, GRAVY, and the SWISS MODEL. The study revealed that TaWRKY45 belongs to the group III family and contains hydrophilic proteins with 19 potential phosphorylation sites. TaWRKY45 protein was found to be orthologous to rice OsWRKY45 by phylogenetic analysis. The catalytic domain was analysed by motif scan which showed that TaWRKY45 has one WRKY domain and a C2-HC zinc finger motif. TaWRKY45's structure was determined to be more stable, more constrained, more compact, and have greater potential to interact with other molecules than OsWRKY45, according to MD simulation analysis. Thus, the in silico analysis of transcription factors in this study highlights the protein function, interaction, and regulatory pathways. � 2023, Akad�miai Kiad� Zrt.en_US
dc.publisherAkademiai Kiado ZRt.en_US
dc.subjectIn silico studyen_US
dc.subjectMD simulationen_US
dc.subjectPhylogenetic analysisen_US
dc.subjectTriticum aestivumen_US
dc.titleStructural, functional and evolutionary analysis of wheat WRKY45 protein: a combined bioinformatics and MD simulation approachen_US
dc.title.journalCereal Research Communicationsen_US
dc.type.accesstypeOpen Accessen_US
