Spatio – temporal variations of urban heat island over Delhi


Temporal and spatial trends of the surface urban heat island (UHI) formation over Delhi are examined with respect to aerosol load and land-cover variations. The study reveals that temperatures over Delhi are higher than those over the surrounding regions almost through-out the year during the night time. The nocturnal heat island intensity is minimum (0–2 K) during the monsoon months and maximum during the month of March (4–6 K). The UHI trends during the day-time are however, significantly different. It is observed that a day-time cool island forms over Delhi twice during the year in the months of May–June and October–December. Analysis of temporal variations in urban heat island intensity (UHII) and aerosol load over Delhi reveals a significant negative correlation between UHII and aerosol optical depth (AOD). Spatial analysis of LST, land-cover and AOD for the months of March, May and November confirms the significant role of AOD along with land-cover variables such as percentage area under the classes built-up, rock, vegetation and bare soil. Comparative analysis of LST in the regions lying north, south, east and west of Delhi in relation to the prevailing land-cover suggests that thermal inertia is also a very important factor determining the urban-rural thermal structure.



UHI, MODIS, AOD, Land-cover, Thermal


Pandey, Alok Kumar., Singh, Sachchidanand., Berwal, Shivesh., Kumar, Dinesh., Pandey, Puneeta., et. al., (2014) Spatio- temprol variation of urban heat island over Delhi., Urban Climate.,