Samal, Archana2018-08-312024-08-132018-08-312024-08-132018Samal,Archana (2018) Characterization And Culture Of Snow Alga Chlamydomonas Nivalis From Antarctica snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis is the reason of colouring the snow orange-red. For current study sample was collected from Dalk Glaciers, Larsmann hills, Eastern Antarctica. This is the most studied alga of snow-fields but cytology, morphology, and taxonomy are still unsolved. Our experiment focuses on comparative growth rate study of algal culture at two different temperature one is of 4°C and other is of 20-22°C and its morphology as well as life cycle study. Experiment confirmed that algal culture at 20-22°C was growing at a higher rate than the culture at 4°C. Identification and characterization were done on the basis of light microscope and phase microspore studies. Phase contrast microscope picture signifies the presence of different types of algal cells in culture. Flow cytometry strongly support the phase contrast microscope data and signifies the presence of algal cells in different stages of its life cycle.en-USChlamydomonas nivalisculture and subculturebold basal mediavitamin B12turbidity majorzoosporehypnosporeFlow cytometryCharacterization And Culture Of Snow Alga Chlamydomonas Nivalis From AntarcticaMaster DissertationT00767