Vandana2018-08-302024-08-142018-08-302024-08-142013Vandana (2013) Mythico-patriarchal constructiuon of a women in githa hariharan's the thousand faces of night and mahasweta devi's stories draupadi and breast-giver. present research offers a comparative study of Githa Hariharan's novel The Thousand Faces of Night and Mahasweta Devi's stories ''Draupadi'' and ''Breastgiver''. The focus of the analysis will be on the interpretative use of mythology from feministic perspective underlining women's oppression and predicament in a patriarchal society. Both the writers take mythological tales as patriarchal discourses with implied patriarchal stance and tend to revise these tales with altered ends to give voice to the silenced female perspective. The study explores how by reinterpreting mythical tales from feministic perspective, both writers Githa Hariharan and Mahasweta Devi inclusively expose and question women's suppression in a male-dominated set up.en-USFeminismPatriarchal DiscourseMythGitha HariharanMahasweta DeviMythico-patriarchal constructiuon of a women in githa hariharan's the thousand faces of night and mahasweta devi's stories draupadi and breast-giverMphil DissertationT00057