Singh, SimranjeetGarg, Vinod KumarRamamurthy, Praveen C.Singh, JoginderPandey, Ashok2024-01-212024-08-142024-01-212024-08-142023-03-179780323919005978032391645510.1016/B978-0-323-91900-5.00008-4 changing nature of pesticides has led to the evolution of advanced pesticides which become troublesome for pest control in agriculture and thereby increasing the resistivity of pesticides. Pesticide poisoning emerges either from regular intake of pesticides in minute quantities. Presently, different interventions are being explored to form a sustainable society as persistence and occurrence of pesticide in environment is imposing as major health concern among humans. Our chapter deals with different pathways and sources of pesticide contamination in environment. Efforts have been made to incorporate the different classes of pesticides and their detrimental effects on human health and environment. Here we discuss different detection method and sample extraction process to minimize the increasing level of pesticides compounds in water bodies aiming to protect environment and human health. � 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.en-USEndocrine disruptorsEnvironmental healthHuman health effectsPesticidesToxicityImpact and prospects of pesticides on human and environmental healthBook chapter Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Pesticides: Human Health, Environmental Impacts and Management