Shevkani, KhetanKaur, RavneetSingh, NarpinderHlanze, Dinhle P.2024-01-162024-08-132024-01-162024-08-132022-03-192665927110.1016/j.crfs.2022.03.006 present work evaluated nine diverse kidney bean accessions for colour, composition, digestibility, protein profile, starch crystallinity, techno-functional properties, pasting properties and microstructure with the objective of identifying key attributes affecting their digestibility and functionality. The accessions exhibited dry matter digestibility, resistant starch (RS) content, water absorption capacity, fat absorption capacity, emulsifying activity index (EAI), foaming capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) of 14.6�47.2%, 32.0�50.5%, 1.7�2.7 g/g, 1.4�1.7 g/g, 50.1�70.1 m2/g, 70.8�98.3% and 82.4�91.3%, respectively. Starch-lipid complexes (SLC), proteins and non-starch carbohydrates contributed to lower starch and dry matter-digestibility. Principal component analysis revealed positive relation of emulsification, foaming and water absorption capacity with proteins, starch, RS and ash-content while negative with crystallinity and amount of lipids, non-starch carbohydrates and digestible starch. Hydration ability of proteins promoted foaming whereas flour with lower vicilins level was less surface active and exhibited the lowest EAI, FC and FS. Pasting temperature related positively with SLC, while average starch granule size was in strong positive relationship with RS content, peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity. The results could be useful for enhanced utilization of kidney beans in different foods. � 2022 The Authorsen-USBeansDigestibilityFunctionalityPastingProteinsColour, composition, digestibility, functionality and pasting properties of diverse kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) floursArticleCurrent Research in Food Science