Kumari, Ritu2018-08-312024-08-132018-08-312024-08-132018Kumari, Ritu (2018) Role of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria in Improving the Quality of Marginal Soil for Multiple Purposeshttps://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/1827Degrading quality of soil by the presence of xenobiotics or change in the natural environment of soil is of great concern. One of them is heavy metal pollution of soil. With increasing population, sustainable food production is a challenge in this climate changing and water deteriorating environment. Marginal soil has been defined from different perspectives. In general, marginal land can be defined as arid and inhospitable land that has low inherent productivity. Marginal land is a good source for the production of biofuels. This can be achieved with the help of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB). This project provides a review of marginal soil and how PGPB can be used to improve its quality, in phytoremediation, and in the production of bioenergy and food.en-USMarginal landphytoremediationPGPBBiofuelSustainable food productionRole of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria in Improving the Quality of Marginal Soil for Multiple PurposesMaster DissertationT00660