Kaur, RanjitSharma, KavitaSingh, Shamshir2018-07-102024-08-142018-07-102024-08-142015Kaur, Ranjit, Sharma, Kavita and Singh, Shamshir. (2015) Effectiveness of media approach on the academic achievement of class 8th Students in English. International Journal of applied Research. Vol. 1(9). pp. 467-471.2394-5869 , ISSN Print: 2394-7500https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/1100The aim of this paper was to find out the Effectiveness of Multimedia approach on the academic achievement of class 8th students in English. The sample consisted of class 8th students in English of Tagore Model School. The data was collected by using an appropriate tool and analyzed by‘t’ test. Pretest-posttest experimental control group design was followed for this study. Means, S.D.s and t-test were used to analyze the data. The multimedia package prepared by researcher for teaching English was found to be more effective for academic achievement of class 8th students in English.enMultimediaEffectivenessAcademic achievemenEffectiveness of media approach on the academic achievement of class 8th Students in EnglishArticlehttp://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives/2015/vol1issue9/PartH/1-9-127.pdfInternational Journal of applied Research