Mukherjee, Anirban GoutamWanjari, Uddesh RameshGopalakrishnan, Abilash ValsalaBradu, PragyaSukumar, AarthiPatil, MeghaRenu, KaviyarasiDey, AbhijitVellingiri, BalachandarGeorge, AlexGanesan, Raja2024-01-212024-08-132024-01-212024-08-132022-11-1924320510.1016/j.lfs.2022.121211 review provides a detailed study of pancreatic cancer (PC) and the implication of different types of cancers concerning diabetes. The combination of anti-diabetic drugs with other anti-cancer drugs and phytochemicals can help prevent and treat this disease. PC cancer stem cells (CSCs) and how they migrate and develop into malignant tumors are discussed. A detailed explanation of the different mechanisms of diabetes development, which can enhance the pancreatic CSCs' proliferation by increasing the IGF factor levels, epigenetic modifications, DNA damage, and the influence of lifestyle factors like obesity, and inflammation, has been discussed. It also explains how cancer due to diabetes is associated with high mortality rates. One of the well-known diabetic drugs, metformin, can be combined with other anti-cancer drugs and prevent the development of PC and has been taken as one of the prime focus in this review. Overall, this paper provides insight into the relationship between diabetes and PC and the methods that can be employed to diagnose this disease at an earlier stage successfully. � 2022 Elsevier Inc.en-USBiomarkersCSCsDiabetesPathophysiologyPCTreatmentsImplications of cancer stem cells in diabetes and pancreatic cancerReview Sciences