Kaur, HardeepKumar, RabindraBabu, , J. NagendraMittal, Sunil2019-03-222024-08-142019-03-222024-08-142015Kaur H., Kumar R., Babu J.N. et.al. (2015) Advances in arsenic biosensor development - a comprehensive review956566310.1016/j.bios.2014.08.003https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/2118Biosensors are analytical devices having high sensitivity, portability, small sample requirement and ease of use for qualitative and quantitative monitoring of various analytes of human importance. Arsenic (As), owing to its widespread presence in nature and high toxicity to living creatures, requires frequent determination in water, soil, agricultural and food samples. The present review is an effort to highlight the various advancements made so far in the development of arsenic biosensors based either on recombinant whole cells or on certain arsenic-binding oligonucleotides or proteins. The role of futuristic approaches like surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and aptamer technology has also been discussed. The biomethods employed and their general mechanisms, advantages and limitations in relevance to arsenic biosensors developed so far are intended to be discussed in this review.en-USAptamerArs operonArsenic toxicityBiosensorRecombinant whole cellReporter proteinsAdvances in arsenic biosensor development - a comprehensive reviewReviewhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956566314005909?via%3DihubBiosensors and Bioelectronics