Vikram, AjitTripathi, Durga NandKumar, AshutoshSingh, Sandeep2018-07-102024-08-142018-07-102024-08-142014Vikram, A., Tripathi, D. N., Kumar, A., & Singh, S. (2014). Oxidative stress and inflammation in diabetic complications. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/6797541687833710.1155/2014/679754; bixin; glucose; insulin; taurine; unclassified drug; antioxidant activity; atherosclerosis; chronic inflammation; diabetes mellitus; diabetic cardiomyopathy; diabetic complication; diabetic nephropathy; diabetic neuropathy; diabetic retinopathy; disease association; disease marker; editorial; endothelial dysfunction; glucose transport; heat stroke; human; insulin resistance; malignant neoplastic disease; metabolic regulation; non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; oxidative stressOxidative stress and inflammation in diabetic complicationsEditorial Journal of Endocrinology