Kaur, Sandeep2018-08-312024-08-132018-08-312024-08-132018Kaur, Sandeep (2018) Comparative study of thermal treatments on stability of moringa oil by using physio-chemical analysis and FTIR spectroscopyhttps://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/1810A comparative study was conducted to check the stability and acceptability of moringa oil by giving it three different treatments of time, temperature and mode of heating process and by evaluating the various quality parameters such as peroxide value, free fatty acid value, iodine value, anisidine value, levels of conjugated dienes and trienes, refractive index, density, viscosity, specific gravity and total polyphenol, tocopherol and phytosterolcontentand by FTIR spectroscopy. The optimized cycle formoringa oilfryingwas 180?C for 8 hours; for microwave heating was P-100, P-80, and P-60 for 5, 10, 15, 20min and foroven treatment was 150?C, 180?C, 200?C for 5, 10, 15, 20 min. The results showed that values of FFA, AV, TOTOX, CD, CT, viscosity, density, RI and specific gravity increased and those of iodine value, content of polyphenols,phytosterols and tocopherols decreased as the three different modes of heat treatments proceeded. The physio-chemical properties evaluated indicate that values obtained after 8 hours of continuous moringa oil frying were comparable with microwave heated samples at P-100 for 20 mins. However, the analytical data showed that oven heated samples at 2000C for 20 mins were comparable with microwave heated samples at P-80 for 20 mins and with deep fat fried samples after 6 hours in most of the cases.Further, it has been concluded that moringa oil had shown good thermal stability and remained acceptable after 8hrs of continuous frying, 20 mins of microwave heating at P-100 as well as after 20 mins of conventional oven heating at 2000Cen-USMoringa oilthermal stabilityphysio-chemical analysisfrying quality and FTIR spectroscopyComparative study of thermal treatments on stability of moringa oil by using physio-chemical analysis and FTIR spectroscopyMaster DissertationT00734