Padmanabhan, Jubilee2017-08-142024-08-142017-08-142024-08-142016Padmanabhan, Jubilee.( 2016) A critical analysis of studies on Sustainable Development. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 6(1) .2249-9598 attempt has been made to discuss about the review of related literature and researches carried out in the area of sustainable development. Literatures from various sources were reviewed to study the trend in the area. The reviewed literature and researches are categorized into i) studies on Environemental Education (EE) - one of the components of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), ii) studies related to issues on ESD, iii) studies on sustainable development, iv) studies on ESD and curriculum, v) studies on ESD and various learning approaches, vi) studies of ESD on the consequence variables like critical thinking, problem solving and values on ESD. From the studies, it was found that there is a huge gap between the theory and practice of sustainable development.enA critical analysis of studies on Sustainable DevelopmentArticle