Kushwaha, Prem PrakashKumar, Shashank2018-02-232024-08-132018-02-232024-08-132017Prem Prakash Kushwaha and Shashank Kuma (2017) Recent advancement to target Breast Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells. In Advances in Biochemistry & Applications in Medicine.978-81-935757-1-0https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/610Breast cancer is the second most prominent reason of cancer death in women after lung cancer, and it accounts for 25.2% of all cancer in women [1]. In the US, approximately about one in eight women (12%) develop invasive breast cancer [2]. In 2015, approximately 40,290 US women were expected to die from breast cancer. There was an estimation of 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer among US women in 2015 [3]. The chance of breast cancer causes woman’s death is about 3%. Various kinds of therapies such as hormonal, immunotherapeutic agents, surgery and cytotoxic currently are being used to target the breast cancer. The response rate from these treatments comprises 60% to 80% for primary breast cancers and about 50% for metastases [4,5]. However, 20%-70% of patients showed reversion of cancer within five year of time [6]. Recurrence development allied with resistance to therapy and augmented death risk. In patients with primary breast cancer, combining cytotoxic and radiation therapy with anastrozole attained four-year survival rate of 91.6 % [7]. Gene mutations and dysregulation has been identified in breast cancers like the enhanced expression of the heparan sulfate interacting protein, p53 mutations (connecting with high histological grade) and mitochondrial D-loop mutation (allied with lymph node-positive breast carcinoma)enRecent advancement to target Breast Cancer and Cancer Stem CellsBook chapter