Bast, Felix2018-01-032024-08-132018-01-032024-08-132014BAST, F. 2014. Secret of waking-up fresh and having a great day! Science Reporter 51 (9) 11, Published by CSIR-NISCAIR0036-8512 a long night's sleep, now that you are sitting on a chair with morning cuppa and the Science Reporter-both indeed neuro-stimulants, and hoping to have a great day, no matter had you woke-up fresh or not. Believe it or not, seemingly perplexing conundrum the title of this write-up might have been, solutions have already been discovered by scientists (first part, almost four decades ago) albeit remained pretty much a coveted secret and mostly obscured from the public. So the purpose of this is straight forward; being a popular science enthusiast, let me divulge it, to make a bit of modern science-essence of three primary research papers that are filled with technical jargons and beyond the comprehension for most of us- improve our daily life.enSecret of waking-up fresh and having a great day!Article